Wrong Business Choices: Why do We Make Them?

Every once in a while, there are some decisions we regret, and we aren’t quite sure how or why we made that particular choice. We try to choose the best possible business choice, but somehow, we still manage to make bad decisions and put ourselves in an unwanted, or rather difficult position. So why do we make mistakes when we only want what’s best for us?

1. Acting on impulse

Sometimes, we just act quickly and don’t really think about the consequences that may occur. Although impulsiveness can sometimes be a great way to resolve difficult situations, more often than not, it has quite the opposite effect. We tend to follow our instincts and emotions, and sometimes this is where all the troubles come from. Acting on impulse in stressful situations usually brings no good, since we don’t take enough time to reconsider our choice and think thoroughly.

For every business choice we make, we need a carefully planned out strategy and a self-disciplined approach. In those situation when we need to choose a lesser evil, planning forward and being one step ahead can significantly improve the process of coping with the consequences. Analyze all the possibilities before making any choices. After all, with a good strategy you will avoid second guessing and misjudged decisions.

2. Procrastination – nemesis of a successful business choices


Very often we are cornered, and have to make decisions we don’t want to, due to a simple lack of options. Sometimes these options are limited because of our poor prioritizing and lots of procrastinating. Old habits die hard, but we need to stay focused on the goal if we want the job done without unnecessary distractions. Having a deadline sometimes gives us the wrong picture of how much time we actually have to finish the job. Ask yourself a simple question – will you feel better once the job is done?

If the answer is yes, stop creating little milestones that allow you to procrastinate, turn off any devices that may distract you and stop making it harder for yourself. In order to overcome this bad habit, some people prefer doing the hardest part of the job first, as it will be much easier later on. Don’t let anybody interrupt and, more importantly, don’t interrupt yourself. Is not making a decision actually a decision? It is perfectly normal to say no, but don’t wait to say it tomorrow, or the day after.

3. Indecisiveness – make a decision

Making time consuming decisions can end badly, or you might not even be able to make a good decision if you deliberate too long. This indecisiveness is actually nothing more than the fear of making the wrong choice holding you back. Find out what are you afraid of and what you have to lose. Acting fearless doesn’t mean being irresponsible. Embrace your fears, and learn how to deal with the unwanted outcome of your decisions. Analyze and move on – don’t dwell on something too long or you will miss your chance.

4. Suggestions, suggestions


Sometimes, people need just a little push in order to take initiative. Being open to suggestions is a good way to make up your mind, but listening to too much people can cause chaos in the process of decision making. The more options we have, the more we struggle. This paradox of choice prevent us from choosing anything at all, due to inability to see the best option. Listening to too many suggestions often brings us back to the beginning, and prevents us from moving forward and acting quickly. Search for the choices that will bring a positive outcome and learn to filter suggestions.

Bear in mind that the choices from our past define our present. However, very often we find ourselves struggling and worrying whether we should do something or not. Sometimes we regret the choices we made too quickly and try to learn from our mistakes. On the other hand, we may have missed some opportunities since we’ve wasted our time irrationally. The power of choosing can very often put us in position of indecisiveness due to a large number of options. Stay focused and analyze what consequences you’ll be dealing with, once you do make up your mind.

Aleksandar Ilic

Aleksandar Ilic is an experienced blogger and ghost writer who has experience with a lot of different subjects which range from construction, music, gaming, environmentalism and so on. As a former student of the English Language and Literature Department, at the University of Nis, Serbia with a particular interest in literature he can adapt his writing to any style while making the content seem natural to native speakers. His love for music led him to start playing in a band when he was in high school and he plays the guitar to this day. He is also an enthusiast for online PvP games and a great fan of epic fiction.

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