Why Is Rural Life Better than the One in the City?

A little known fact about humans is that they aren’t “made” to be surrounded by so many complete strangers. It’s not part of human nature – to live a long and healthy life in an overcrowded environment. Most people that are born in big cities can’t imagine their lives differently. They are used to the availability and speed of city life. The current migrations that have been going on for a while now, where people are massively abandoning rural environments and moving towards cities – these things are unnatural. Sometimes in the future, if people evolve enough to be able to live in large crowds, life in the cities will be possible without any consequences.

Growing food

One of primary advantages of living in the countryside is the possibility of growing your own food. When living in a city, it’s difficult to find completely organic food that won’t cost you a fortune. You’ll need some time to adapt to nature and learn everything you need to know and soon, you’ll realize how good an investment all this really is. The final goal is to provide only the best for your family.

Small businesses

Is there something you’ve always wanted to do and the only thing in your way was the competition? If you move to countryside, you’ll realize how much easier can starting a business be. A rural environment is a perfect opportunity to make an old dream come true and finally feel fulfilled. You can have a small cozy shop that can be your other home, without having a constant fear of failure. The income you’ll receive will be enough for everything you need to keep you satisfied.

Costs of living

When you’re living in the city, you’re not aware of the fact that you’re overpaying for groceries and other expenses. After only a month or two, you’ll be able to see a big change on your account. Sure, there’s an extra effort that you’re investing into growing food, but that’s actually a win-win situation – you’ve reduced the expenses regarding groceries, but you get healthy food and you’re not spending as much electricity and water as before and your bills are reduced.

Wide, open spaces

You shouldn’t be so confidant to claim that you’re not into nature if you haven’t felt it in the right way. Nature is a part of every human being – that’s why you should embrace it. Once you feel that unique feeling of freedom and see the endless green horizons, you’ll finally feel complete and that feeling is irreplaceable. You won’t be able to get enough of it.

Closeness in the countryside community

In an environment that’s far less populated than the one in a city, people are different. It shouldn’t take a lot of time to get to the point when everyone knows your name – it’s like living in a large family without all the bad things that come with it. A small community is easier to organize because almost everyone is involved in the process. All responsibilities are divided among citizens – it’s completely on you to decide what you want to do for your community.

Forget about noise and traffic

You’re probably not aware of how loud the city environment really is. Once you feel how peaceful and quiet the countryside actually is, it will be hard for you to get back to the city and consider noise like something necessary, when you know that it should be quite the opposite.

Start nurturing your health

Did you know that scientists confirmed the negative effect of the city environment on people’s health? It’s not just about pollution – mental disorders like anxiety, depression, stress and schizophrenia could be caused by living in the city. It is all those bad things combined – pollution, toxins, crowding and noise. These things aren’t a factor when living in the countryside, but it is possible to be a couple of hours away from the nearest hospital. There’s a simple solution to that – Rural and Remote Nursing. The fact is that you can’t prevent an occasional flu that usually comes with the change of seasons. So, considering this option – of practically having a hospital on your speed dial – can save you from a lot of trouble and concern.

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Jovan Ilic

Jovan Ilic is very passionate about everything that is creative, innovative and new. He enjoys searching, discovering and writing about underground artists and their work. He has graduated from the Business-Law faculty with a bachelor degree in the field of Business English. Jovan has a broad experience working as a Content Writer, Blogger and Copy Editor. He has many articles published on his blog dailycreativity.net, where he features some of the most interesting and not so popular artists around the globe. From this passion comes his main frame of work, which is blogging. Blogging, however, isn’t his only occupation. Along with it, his points of interest also include SEO, SEM and SMM. One just can run away from those when working in this field.

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