What Is Included in Our Prices?


In order to fully understand what you are paying you need to know what we are offering, and how we do that.

Article Writing

As you are probably aware, content marketing is the best way of advertising your business, and our whole team is to help. Content marketing is probably the most important approach of modern marketing methods, yielding better methods and creating a much better engagement among the consumers.


Naturally extending your audience is one of the main goals of good content marketing strategy, and our article writing service is just a part of that.


When we say article writing we mean that we either consult you about your desired keywords, or, in agreement with you, research the most promising ones and prepare them to be used in a topic related article, and after that create an article and deliver it to you. After that, we will not claim any right on the article that you’ve accepted, and we guarantee all our articles to be of high-quality, copyscape proof and adjusted to your own personal preferences.


Another important questions that we can ask you at this stage is whether you intend to use this content on your own website, as a part of your blog, or if you intend on posting it as a part of your own guest blogging efforts on some other blogs.

In any case, you can definitely contact us about our prices per word, or per individual article, or you can consult our pre-made plans that already include a number of conveniently selected services.

If you are trying to increase the influence of your blog, our approach will be different as we will analyze the topics you have already covered, and try to find something that can be added for further reading. When we create articles, your opinion comes first, but we will suggest, from our experience, what we also see to be good for your business. Some of the questions you might need to answer are:

• What kind of approach do you want?

Are you more interested in a clear-cut, short form, or you want something that is funny, and is sure to entertain the audience, or you are looking for an essay-type article?

• Do you have a need for something shorter, or a longer piece of content?

Naturally, this is where the price comes in play. We consider that 700 words are more than enough to successfully convey the message to your customers, but we can agree to write much more, or less, if you demand it so.

• Do you have particular keywords or anchors in mind?

While we do not do keyword stuffing, what you post on your blog, is your own private matter and we will try and accommodate as much as we can. Our general approach is writing material that is firstly created to users, and only after that we think about the SEO aspect.


Whatever you choose, we do not link porn, drug, or gambling related links.

• Are you interested in links for further reading?

Once again, our approach is to place links inside the text that will lead to other website (avoiding your competition, of course), so that our work can become a truly good resource, something that you will be proud to host on your website.

Guest Blogging

When it comes to link building by guest blogging, we can help you with that as well. But be reminded, link building has become such a dirty word in the past few years, and we do not do any schemes or private blog networks (PBN), we only offer our own verified, personal accounts on different websites with outstanding domains. Naturally, because of this there are a few more things we need to talk about before we start working.

• How much money do you have at your disposal?

It is our practice to divide all our blogs into two categories, slow, demanding and expensive, and fast but undemanding and inexpensive blogs. For examples, feel free to contact us about our blog listings.

• How much time do you have?

Once again, the separation we made in the previous paragraph applies here as well. If you are interested in getting links to your website quickly, the faster option is better for you. Naturally, faster links come from sites whose domain authority is lower – not necessarily a bad things, but a balance must be maintained.

• What do you want linked?

When it comes to fast blogs, we almost have exclusive control what and how we post there. Once again, we won’t post something that can endanger our entire blog, but we have a much greater command over what can pass or not. On the other hand, slower and more expensive blogs have editors who will easily detect anything that looks too commercial, so a link must be chosen carefully, as well as the anchor text. In the end, we want the results to remain long after we’ve finished working together.


Whatever you choose, we do not link porn, drug, or gambling related links.

Social Media Support

We all understand why social media networks are the backbone of any successful business, and as a part of our monthly package, we offer the possibility of running those account for you.


With our expertise in this area, we can help you by running your social media profiles, not only by creating engaging posts and constantly engaging your customers but also by adjusting your previous content, and optimizing all the relevant aspects that can damage your brand, while promoting those that can keep you ahead of your competition.


Even though there is a plethora of social media websites around us, not all will fit you and your business. Depending on your niche, we will explore all possible social marketing strategies and present you with what we think is the best option. The first thing we will do is:

Identify the best social media channel for you;

Create a reliable and effective strategy suited for your business;

Explore and analyze your customer base;

Create shareable, engaging content;

Help you connect with influencers from your niche.

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