Useful Things You Should Know about Drinking in Barcelona

When drinking in a foreign country, you should go prepared. I know that the fun is in spontaneity when it comes to this kind of adventure, but I also know that it’s better to do some research than to end up sick or without any money left.

A highly desired location such as Barcelona has a very extensive list of drinks in their offer, and a lot of places to drink them at, so you should do your homework and determine your official route in order to get to know the city and find your favorite spots and treats.

Drinks You Should Try

Great Drinks to Try in Barcelona


Let’s begin with the basics – beer. If you’d like to start your evening light and enjoy a fine Catalonian beer, you should ask for a “cerveza”, and you’ll be given a beer in a bottle. If you want to have draught beer, the word you’re looking for is “caña”.


We all know that there’s one type of drink you should get if you’re out to celebrate – champagne. And, considering that you’re in Catalonia and that they make the finest sparkling wine in the whole of Spain, you really can’t make a mistake if you ask for a bottle of “cava”.


I bet that the first association when you hear the world Sangria is Spain. But, you should know that Sangria isn’t just wine – it’s served with triple sec and brandy, and you can enjoy drinking it in the form of punch along with soda, lemons, oranges, some sugar and of course – ice.

Vermuth al Grifo

Another form of wine you should definitely try is “vermouth al grifo”. Being an aerated drink spiced up with herbs, it will come as a very pleasant refreshment.


Speaking of refreshments – if you’re not an alcohol enthusiast, or you’d just like to take a break, you should order something called “granizado” – it’s a mixture of orange or lemon juice, crushed ice and coffee, surprisingly. However, it’s very yummy and you won’t regret ordering it.

Bars You Must Visit

Great Bars in Barcelona

Dry Martini


Address: Calle Aribau, 162-166, 08036 Barcelona, Spain

Phone: +34 932 17 50 72+34 932 17 50 72

If you’re passionate about cocktails, you should know there’s a gateway to real cocktail heaven in Barcelona – an extraordinary bar called Dry Martini. You’ll be absolutely thrilled with their professionalism – the bar is internationally known and they tend to every single drink with special care.

Bitter Cocktail Bar


Address: Carrer de Viladomat, 17, 08015 Barcelona, Spain

Phone: +34 935 32 71 99

And for those who appreciate alcohol-free cocktails, there’s the Cocktail Bitter Bar, where you’ll be able to enjoy fresh drinks with ingredients like thyme, basil and rosemary. This classy place is a great spot to get away from the hectic streets of Barcelona and enjoy some jazz.



Address: C/ Piquer, 27, 08004 Barcelona, Spain

Drinking on a budget isn’t a problem here, even though you’re in one of the most gorgeous locations in the world. If you visit Psycho, you’ll join a relaxed atmosphere in an interior filled with posters and stickers of The Who, Route 66 and Mystery Train among other things.

These drinks and spots are just a place to start. I’m sure you’ll be able to discover your own favorite things in Barcelona and enjoy your time there by exploring brand new streets and making new friends, which will be a very easy thing to do, considering how welcoming and generous this city really is.

Alex Filipovic

Alex Filipovic has been in the world of blogging for over 4 years. Her interests lie in the world of Fashion and Health, but in her career, she covered a wide range of topics – from raising awareness about environmental issues to discussing the various advances in informational technology. She strives to keep herself up to date when it comes to all her interests, the list of which is constantly growing.

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