How to Turn Your Spacious Backyard into a Mini Farm

If you have been staring into the vast space in your backyard, wishing that there was something you could do with it, you have come across the right article. Whether you are thinking of planting your vegetable garden, or you are interested in taking care of some animals, we have prepared several ideas to serve you as inspiration.

A spacious backyard, made up of big, green surfaces can be an area for eating, drinking and grilling outdoors, for entertaining and playing, but these are not the only ways to use your outdoor space. Imagine the joy of picking fresh greens for your salad in your veggie garden, collecting fresh eggs or, if you have enough space, taking care of your own horse. Having a mini farm takes some work, but the pleasure you will receive form it will be worth the sweat.

Plant a Vegetable Garden

A vegetable garden is perhaps the most popular option for people who have a spacious backyard, and it is for a good reason. You can devote yourself to it as much as you want, and even beginners often succeed when planting their first garden plants, if they keep the overall size manageable.

Choose a spot that gets a lot of sun, set aside some time to water and weed your garden every week, and make sure that, if you are planning to travel somewhere, you have someone who will take care of your garden while you are away.

Have a Flock of Backyard Hens

Chickens can be very entertaining backyard buddies. They produce the freshest and tastiest eggs you will ever have the opportunity to try. They can cause a little trouble if you allow them to run loose in your garden, but it is worth investing in a secure chicken coop.

If you live in a suburban area, find out whether backyard chickens are legal in your town and make sure to know all the specifics before you commit to keeping a flock. Be ready to invest in a predator-proof and secure coop and run, and see if you will have enough time to take care of your flock at least twice a day every day.

Ducks, Goats and Other Animals Great and Small

Even though chickens are great “starter” farm animals, if you want more animals on your homestead, goats, ducks, sheep and even horses can offer numerous benefits, but expect some additional work. Duck eggs are very delicious, milking the goat will keep your family fresh and healthy, a sheep is an ultimate companion to a knitter, and having a horse is an amazing activity for the whole family.

First, you need to check is your neighborhood allows the animals you want to take care of. Afterwards check if you have enough space to keep those animals.

Have in mind that some of these animals have a distinct smell. You will want to keep your farm a certain distance away from your home. If you are worried that you will not have enough time to take care of them, you can make things a little easier because there are websites that have automatic deliveries, and they can deliver feed and supplies to your doorstep as frequently as you need. Just keep in mind that these animals require an intense level of responsibility. So, approach this with a certain level of commitment.

Collect Rainwater

Harvesting rainwater is a great way to ensure that you will have enough water throughout the year, even in times of drought. This is where you first need to think about how much rainwater you would like to collect, and how much room you have, because rain barrels and tanks come in different sizes.

Make sure that the runoff water is not exposed to lead and other hazardous materials, because you won’t be able to use it on food crops. You also need to think about using a secure screen, so that mosquitoes cannot lay eggs in the water.

Turning your spacious backyard into a mini farm certainly is a lot of work, but it will also provide you with a rich source of healthy homegrown products. Make sure your shed has a proper ramp since you will be using your equipment often. This is a crucial factor for your efficiency and the durability of your equipment.

All this is with a goal to avoid having to go out, and that you you can enjoy a nice home cooked organic diner right in your backyard, only a couple of steps from where you grew all your ingredients. That’s a whole other level of knowing what you eat.

Nemanja Manojlovic

Nemanja is an enthusiastic researcher who likes to focus his attention on topics ranging from martial arts, weight loss, fitness and cooking, to interpersonal communication, motivation and productivity. He believes that training the body and the mind consistently is the secret to achieving success, and he enjoys sharing his knowledge and experience with others.

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