Traveling With Dogs in Australia? 6 Tips To Pay Attention To

If you share your every day with your pet, there is no reason why you should leave them behind when going on a road trip. Rod trips, as well as caravan trips, allow a lot of freedom when it comes to rules and schedules. This will allow you to take your dog along without second thoughts. Traveling with a dog, or however-many you have, is a pleasure but it requires some effort.


Get your dog used to traveling in a car if you haven’t had a chance so far. Start with short destinations and then gradually make them longer. With this type of training, by the time your road trip is due, your dog will be well-prepared and know what to expect.

They will be introduced to the drill step-by-step, so they will know that they need to jump into the car, not to get scared when the engine starts and how to behave on the road. This will also allow you to see which position suits your furry friend the most and what you can do to make them more comfortable.


Before you set off, you need to know how to secure your pet in the car. Different states and territories may have different rules for dogs in cars so get informed. If you end up traveling with your dog in the back or the boot without a seatbelt make sure you have them on a leash and attached to something in the car, so they cannot run off the moment you open the door if they get scared or excited. There are several different ways you can secure your dog, so find the one which suits your dog’s preferred position.

Plan in advance

You have to take your companion into an account when you plan your stops. A camper will end up imposing the least restrictions. Wherever you go, you will be able to find a pet-friendly campsite. If however, you are looking into booking accommodation along the way, make sure they accept pets as guests. Another thing to bear in mind is the number of breaks you will have to make.

Your dog will have to eat and drink along the way and they will have their usual bathroom breaks. Also, by now you know how well your dog puts up with traveling, so if they are not coping well, you may need to make more breaks than usual. This will slow you down.

Keep them healthy and resistant

Make sure your dog is healthy before you leave, as otherwise they may not enjoy the trip at all. Also, you will not always have a vet clinic handy, so you need to minimize the possibility of you needing them at all. Apply flea, worms and tick treatment regularly so they are well protected at all times.

Make sure you have the correct information on the microchip and possibly some of your details engraved on the collar so that if your dog gets lost, people who come across him will be able to find you quickly even without reading the microchip.

Find a doggy-sitter

As much as you would like to share everything with your pet, there are some limitations as to what you can visit and see with them around. You will need to find a reliable sitter to leave them with for the activities that exclude dogs. You have several options depending on your location.

One of the best accommodation services recommends finding a reputable kennel to take care of your dog, as they know your dog’s needs and are equipped to give them every attention. If you are in a campsite, perhaps you can ask some of the people who are also there with pets or someone else you are acquainted with and trust them to keep your dog safe. Also, Gumtree is a good source to find a sitter.

Don’t leave them in a car

Just like you would not leave your baby, do not leave your dog alone in the car. If you are the only human present, take the dog with you and tie them up wherever you have to but do not leave them inside. When leaving them in front of a store, a toilet or wherever else you need to go, try finding a shade to keep them away from the sun. Even if you do not find the heat to be unbearable, your dog can suffer a heat stroke and die within minutes, so be very careful. Offer your dog water every once in a while to make sure it is properly hydrated.

Once you travel with your pets, you will always want to have them there. It may sound complicated at first, but each next trip is easier than the last.

Leila Dorari

I'm an entrepreneur and a freelance writer from Sydney. Most of the time I research and write about small businesses and challenges they encounter, but I also write about self-development and different ways to keep the stress levels low and success levels up.

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