Tips on How to Be a Better Employer and Team Leader

A good business owner knows how to inspire his or her workers, how to keep them motivated and see themselves as part of the team, not simply as workers. One of the traits a good leader should have is displaying his vision of the future. In other words, your staff should see their future as a part of your team – you need to incite the feeling of perspective. Here is a quick overview of some techniques you can implement to boost the morality of your team.

Knowing how to manage projects


A good leader is also a good project manager, and knowing how to efficiently distribute tasks among your team members is crucial. It also means that you know how to communicate with your team, and how to mediate a troublesome situation between your team members.

The best way to achieve such a mind-set is to know what everyone is going through and spend some time monitoring the work of each employee. You will have clear insight into how much time is required for the execution of certain things, how much precision and whether the tasks are placing a lot of mental strain on your workers. It will also give you better orientation when it comes to deciding on a deadline for a particular project, which can save the whole team a lot of trouble.

Another thing a good leader knows how to do is strategize when it comes to tackling larger tasks. This means that you can segment large task and create milestones for those segments. It will help all of you track your progress more efficiently, and once again, come up with an accurate deadline for project completion.



A good leader is the one who inspires, rather than the one who simply issues orders. One of the best ways to inspire your workforce is to relinquish a portion of your control and give it to them. This is known as an altrocentric approach and basically, it means you do not only build your own reputation, but also build the reputation of each individual who works for you.

Your workers will be significantly more motivated knowing that their name will be attached to their work, thus they will go an extra mile to make it better. Additionally, an altrocentric approach offers a greater sense of security to your workers. If something were to happen, they won’t end up being a complete unknown once they search for future employment. They will have their own name and work, which always means something.

Lastly, this will benefit you as well, since you will have an opportunity to apprise your work more than other providers. When you claim to have a team of professionals behind you, your clients can look them up, and see what they are all about. They can even choose which of your team members they want on their assignments etc.

Show your employees you care


Finally, you need to show your staff that you care about them, and that you are concerned for their future and well-being. This does not imply that you need to be their friend and ask them about their day – after all, these kinds of relationships rarely work out. You need to introduce a workplace wellness program, and show your intention to create a healthy atmosphere. They will have an environment where they feel safe and healthy, they will have access to good workout and healthy diet regimes, etc. Try to show understanding for both smokers and nonsmokers in your firm. One room should always be a smoke free zone. Also, allow people to make a short break if they need one.

Tell them how to maintain equipment, both technology and furniture, in order to maintain a healthy atmosphere. Supply them with chairs in which they can sit straight, and fill the office fridge with food, fruits and vegetables. This has great mental impact on the overall mood in your office – they will feel welcome, and will endeavor not to let you down.

I hope the tips were insightful, and that they will help you manage your team with more efficiency in the future. Truth be told, you need to always improve your management in order to become more professional.

Djordje Todorovic

Djordje Todorovic is a creative writer, a part-time game designer and a linguist, with a degree from the English Language and Literature department. He takes interest in science fiction, epic fiction and horror movies, TV series, books and comic books. He is also a major fan of video games that belong to either MMORPG or point and click adventures genre; he also likes board games as well as trading card games. Djordje has a great amount of respect for the art of stand-up comedy and voice acting, it is his dream to achieve high level of proficiency in either of these areas. He admires the work of George Carlin and Dylan Moran.

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