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Tips for People Struggling with Unemployment

Unemployment is a very difficult life patch, it’s stressful, it negatively affects your confidence, and very often, it makes us feel useless. As time goes by, a great portion of negativity accumulates, and we even begin to believe we might never get the job. Moreover, we often rely on our education to play a crucial role in the job hunt, so with each passing day spent in unemployment, a certain thought starts to take root. What if the years we spent studying were all for nothing, what if the current market has no need for someone with my set of skills. All is not lost yet, as long as we live there will be ups and downs, and being unemployed is just one big obstacle, but getting over it will certainly make us more resilient. Here are a few things you can do if you find yourself in this difficult situation.

Devise a Proper Strategy

The first and easiest thing that you can do is to continue to hope that you will find a job for which you were educated, or in which you are already experienced. Your long streak of unemployment has made you sceptic and thus you have lost enthusiasm. Well, potential employers will be able to see this flaw. They are looking for someone proficient and vibrant, ready to improve his or her field of expertise and push forward. This is a healthy work atmosphere and your attitude can be perceived as hindrance, meaning there are a few things you need to do before you go job hunting again. First, start with changing your appearance, start wearing formal outfits, get a new haircut, listen to something inspiring, etc. This way, you can restore your previous professional glow, and leave a better impression during a job interview. Also, use previous experiences from other job interviews, so that you can prepare for the next one. If that one goes wrong, do not despair, ask the employers what went wrong, and what can you do to improve for the next occasion. Plus, it does not mean that there is something wrong with you, maybe someone called in a favour and had the employer award the job to someone else.

Acquiring New Skills


Alright, time to tackle another possible issue. What if your experiences are not in small demand in the current market? Well, you will need to learn something else in order to find a job. In other words, find the profession scarcity on the market. Do a research on what the market needs the most at this moment and use the Internet to your advantage. When you have no clue how to do something, you start searching for a good tutorial on how to do it.  Go through these tutorials, try miming the process in the video, and through trial and error, you will eventually improve. After all, you are free to make mistakes, no one will fire you, since you are unemployed, and thus there is no pressure. Even if you do not have a degree for that, your work, or actions will speak for you. Also if there is profession scarcity, it means the employers do not have much options to choose from, making it easier for you to triumph.

Start Blogging

Blogging in general is far from being extinguished, and if you have nothing better to do, this is a good way to spend your time productively. Primarily, a person who is good at blogging, may be approached by someone to work on their website’s blog. Also, having a lot of accounts on different blogs makes you a viable asset for someone in the SEO business. Blogging is not that hard as well. Your blogging can contain the topics you feel comfortable writing about. You can research other interesting things, and blog about them. You can meet people and open up new possibilities for your future. The key is your writing. Your articles should contain relevant information, useful information, like the tutorials mentioned earlier. If you only beat around the bush, and blog just for the sake of blogging, then your prospects are strongly diminished. A good way to start is to read other blog posts, written by minor blogging celebrities. Learn from them, and improve the existing online database.