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Tips for Creating Your Own Affiliate Website

When it comes to affiliate websites, the opinions are usually divided into an entirely black and white perspective, but the truth is that it is the quality of websites that is responsible for such a view. Affiliate marketing is usually an everybody wins scenario if it is done right. Good forms of affiliate marketing are fair, and offer an honest perspective about the product. In other words, do not hesitate to form your own affiliate oriented website, if you intend to do it properly. Here are a few tips on how to construct a good affiliate website.

Choosing the Niche

Alright, first you will need to find something you can efficiently sell, and hopefully limit yourself to that particular area. If you stumble upon a website that tries to sell all sorts of items that are totally unrelated, chances are you are going to feel somewhat suspicious. This is mainly because you can feel desperation in the very atmosphere of the website – whoever created it is desperate for selling anything, like a merchant on the marketplace selling rejected or damaged items at a low price. Another reason is maintenance – how can you offer valid descriptions and reviews of all the different types of products? Who has that kind of time? Did you setup the website properly and does it work well?

When choosing the niche for the purpose of affiliate marketing, make sure it is something you are well acquainted with, and can offer constructive thoughts on the topic. In the event that you are not sure whether your area of expertise has good monetization potential, then you need another hobby to delve into. Look at the latest trends, or research the most common types of affiliate programs to find what generally works best. Finally, make sure you do thorough research on existing providers. You can do this by finding websites that already offer this type of insight. For example, if you were to do the affiliate for vaping products visit a website that offers the information on the best providers, and be sure to learn a little bit about the vaping culture so that you can target your audience better.


Once you have narrowed down your niche, you need to create a blog section on your website. The blog will be a good place for visitors to gain valuable information, as well as good source for link building purposes. Your posts should delve deep into the topic of your chosen niche, they should be unique, and be somewhat  longer and more detailed – some 1000-2000 words. Of course, you can make shorter posts for users who visit your site via mobile devices, since they will be an easier read on a smaller screen. As far as link building is concerned, focus on blogs that are relevant to your selected niche, because your links need to be a viable source inside an article. If you can’t create an account then find a contributor who is willing to link your website, which need to have a proper hosting solution.


Product reviews can play an important role in your affiliate marketing campaign, provided they are constructive and offer an honest opinion on the products. A review that simply says, “GREAT!” is almost never considered valid, since those are only used to spike the ranking. It is also important that you make the distinction between review and description. A description should contain information about the content of the package, the materials used and why it is supposed to be superior to its previous version and competitive offerings. Basically everything you need to know as a buyer should be in the description, in addition to a few long tail keywords, but reviews should contain user experience. This is how you achieve that sense of honesty and quality as an affiliate marketer.

Product Comparisons

Finally, articles or videos that include product comparisons are an important tool that you need to utilize. These can be used to solve dilemmas of potential buyers, but should not say which product is better, since very often a more expensive item can significantly outperform cheaper models. The comparisons should basically say whether the product is worth buying over other similar products or better yet, simply point out pros and cons of each item, and let the audience ascertain which one is superior.

Also  when you do these types of articles, make sure the products you are comparing are from rival companies, or within the same price range, for example no one compares PS4 and Nintendo Wii, they always pick PS4 and Xbox One as rivals worth comparing. This type of content makes the article or video more interesting, for example, people who play video games want to hear the opinion of an expert on certain topics.