The 5 Best Types of Videos for Rapidly Increasing Your Sales

The online marketing game is constantly evolving, and a smart entrepreneur needs to try to follow the latest trends and keep up with the times. It is also important to understand the modern consumer whose attention span is now measured in seconds. Well, the good news is that there is a way to get people interested, and make them more likely to stay on your website longer and perform an action. According to Mist Media, if there is a video on your webpage, visitors will stay glued to the screen 88% longer, on average. If you are looking to boost your conversion rates using video content, it is important to understand the 5 types of videos that will help you reach your goal effectively. These videos can work even if they are low budget, e.g. using your smartphone to get the footage, but for the best results, you should hire a professional video production company.

1.  Advertising Video

As far as online advertising goes, we have to understand that the average visitor won’t spend more than about 10 seconds on your page if he or she does not find something interesting. You can’t read much in that timeframe, but a video can grab attention quickly and present the information in a more dynamic manner. People who watched a product video were 144% more likely to buy that product, according to Stacks and Stacks.

2.  Profile Video

Profile Video

A profile video is essential for developing a positive public image. It introduces the public to your company’s history, philosophy and values, showcasing your strongest points. Do you have 200 years of tradition and specialize in producing high-quality goods, or are you a newer company, but have a younger workforce that strives to provide products and services for the needs and sensibilities of younger generations? A good profile video paints a picture of the specific type of company you want to be perceived as, based on your target demographics, making you seem more human, professional, relevant and trustworthy. A video production company will usually take all these different factors into account when preparing the material for you. People are drawn in by the video, and the 64% boost in conversion rates that CrazyEgg experienced due to their new interesting homepage video is proof enough that this method works.

3.  Media Release Video

Media Release Video

A media release is a great way to capture the attention of a wide audience. You are providing something newsworthy, sharing a piece of relevant information, and at the same time getting your company name out there. In video form, it becomes easier to take in, as the traditional news report format gives more credibility to your claims and makes the key selling points really stick in people’s heads. Videos have been shown to produce much higher conversion rates than all other content, and people are always looking for some fresh and interesting news, making them more likely to check out this type of content, particularly if it is shared through social media.

4.  Educational Video


Being that most of the time we spend online is either in pursuit of entertainment or knowledge, and sometimes both, providing short educational videos can have several benefits. It will establish you as a competent, transparent and trusted source for industry-related information, making people more likely to gravitate towards you when they need specific products or services. With a 2-3 minute educational video, you can see engagement rates of up to 80%, and famous YouTubers are already proving that a dedicated fan base developed with informative and entertaining content translates into higher sales.

5.  Testimonial Videos

Testimonial Videos

We tend to get most of our news and information from word of mouth, friends and social media. People are more likely to put their trust in others who have had experience with a product or service, than they are to trust a company’s marketing efforts.

As you can see, videos can be a very powerful marketing tool when in the right hands. Whether you choose to create simple videos such as whiteboard animations and short product videos using your smartphone, or you opt to go with a professional video production company, it is important to understand your audience and try to give them what they want.

Nemanja Manojlovic

Nemanja is an enthusiastic researcher who likes to focus his attention on topics ranging from martial arts, weight loss, fitness and cooking, to interpersonal communication, motivation and productivity. He believes that training the body and the mind consistently is the secret to achieving success, and he enjoys sharing his knowledge and experience with others.

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