Providing a delightful customer experience is still the number one priority for many WordPress website owners. Today, we are going to address one of the most impactful factors - website speed, or if you prefer, loading speed. Once your website traffic starts attracting visitors from...

Society as we know it is highly dependent on the online environment; in fact, a great deal of jobs, money transactions, and communication is conducted via World Wide Web. Creating a website has become an equivalent of building a house, or opening a store to...

People these days have become very spoiled – and why wouldn’t they be, when they have all the newest gadgets and the vast unexplored pastures of the Internet to roam freely on. They quickly get bored with the old – they want new, shiny, funny,...

If you are running a business, it is crucial to have a website for your organization, no matter how big or small it might be. Let’s face it, if a company doesn’t have a website, then it is probably a bad one. However, just having...

It is common knowledge that internet users are not the most attentive audience around. They are a very impatient bunch as well, and any delays in website performance are going to encounter very little tolerance from them. The most you can expect from internet users...

The fact that PCs are fighting a losing battle with smartphones and tablets for the position of primary web surfing mediums has been known in higher business circles for a while now. Internet users like to surf the web at peculiar times and from peculiar...

There are many blogging platforms out there which you can use to set up your blog. During the expansion of social networks such as Facebook or Twitter, everyone thought that the art of blogging would die out slowly, but in fact, there has been no...

WordPress is the most present website platform in the world according to the Google Trend chart. With over 76 million websites, it fuels over 20% of the whole World Wide Web. WordPress is loved by the users because of the variety of plugins, predefined and...

The Importance of Website Design for Your Online Marketing Strategy The key to every successful business lies in good advertising. Many companies that are in the same niche are in constant struggle for keeping their presence on the market. Aside from conventional marketing methods (television &...

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