If roaming about in search of inspiration, take the nearest turn and head straight to Barcelona. Even if you are familiar with its harmonious architecture and silent museums, the Catalan capital will still find a way to surprise you. Take a seat at the first...

We go to Barcelona to dance and eat, but we stay to savour the culture. Passionate as it is, the Catalan temperament continues to express its uniqueness through art and to exhibit its creative achievements all throughout the city. As a result, the Catalan capital...

Even though the food and coffee scene is currently in full swing with roasteries, independent coffee houses and related events popping up across Barcelona, there are still plenty of amazing options for those who love a nice cup of tea rather than a steamy espresso....

Beloved for their architecture and acclaimed for their museums, the streets of Barcelona are filled with art. From ramshackle vintage shops to posh galleries, the Catalan capital offers a dash of inspiration for everyone – be an enjoyer of arts and crafts, an avant-garde enthusiast...

If you’ve watched a lot of Spanish movies, you might feel fairly confident before visiting Barcelona? Well, first of all, the language of Barcelona is Catalan and not Spanish (which is actually Castilian) – and it wouldn’t be a good idea to mix the names...

If you are getting tired of traveling around the United States, then maybe it’s time to visit somewhere fresh, a land with a different culture. Apart from being the cradle of civilization, Europe is also filled with many different cultures and this is truly amazing,...

The art of escaping is well known to every dreamer. Deserters, individualists and nonconformists are truly a unique breed of soul-searchers, unsatisfied with daily life banalities. To be able to leave everything behind and exit the comfort zone is a quality of those who devote...

World, as vast and complicated as it is, has a unique way of concealing its jewels. Most secluded places can sometimes unearth the shiniest ones, like medieval towns in Dalmatia, Tibetan mountain villages or the fairytale castles of Germany. A tumultuous culture of rich history...

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