Believe it or not, having a strong social media presence is a must for nearly every brand to survive in this fierce digital space. These days, people access information about businesses on social media and their purchase decisions are based on information read and witnessed...

There is no better way of staying informed about the things happening in the world of marketing but using social media to follow the leading experts. If you don’t have time to constantly read the news published by various sources and stay ahead of the...

There are very few businesses that can survive or achieve success without having a strong presence on the internet. And this means more than just having a website. It means utilizing everything from social media to engaging with your clients online. Some of the many ways...

Sooner or later in life we must face an unavoidable truth that we will have to find a job, earn enough money for living, and, very often, it will be something repetitive, which will ultimately suck out our creative potential. The world which we dream...

The 21st century may not be the perfect time to live in, but in my opinion, it has its numerous benefits for which I don’t think it gets enough credit. If you are able to read this article, than you are most likely one of...

Let’s be  honest – how many times have you said to yourself: “I’ll log onto Facebook just to check my messages” or “Let me check what's new on Google+ today” and saw that you had just lost an hour and a half doing absolutely nothing?...

Before social media, we had to use a quite different approach to advertising, and it has changed the way we interact with the internet in general. The way Google search is, in essence, the whole internet for someone, many people see it through the eyes...

Mothers are a great gateway to sales. They are earning, spending and influencing sales all around the world. It is a true fact that mothers are organizing almost 85% of all household purchases. These purchases are not only self-targeted, being that most often they buy...

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