Brand promotion is a truly demanding task, especially for operations with budget limitations who cannot afford TV commercials or investing in the production of viral videos. Luckily, impactful marketing tactics have made a transition from monologue to dialog. In other words, interaction with potential users has...

It would be safe to assume that 2017 is going to be a startup friendly year. After all, the world of modern business looks kindly on young enterprises. There are so many options to get your funding, so many networks to connect with people from...

There are few things in life that you should jump into blindly and starting your business is not one of them. Running your ideas and plans past your family and close friends is merely dipping your toe into the entrepreneurial world – you need a...

The art of selling things is very, very old and has changed over the course of human history. Almost every major communication and news distribution advancement has influenced the way we conduct business and changed the style of trade and marketing. It is simple; finding...

Sooner or later, every business owner decides to take a step forward, and work on business expansion. This is a necessary move if you want to stay relevant, but it also demands a certain amount of investment, without a guaranteed return.

The most important thing for any business is having a strong marketing campaign, and with a good marketing campaign, a lot of regular customers will follow. While everyone is trying to do that, not everyone will be successful, and finding the best marketing approach should...

What is the measure for a successful business? You can say that the sales numbers speak for themselves, i.e. that you can clearly see if a company is doing well by the number of customers they have and the extent of their brand recognition. So, it is...

No matter how good your product is, or how useful it is, people will always tend to evaluate it based on the numbers it sold. The best way to increase the sales of your new, or old items, is to make a promotion and draw...

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