Website speed has become one of the more influential factors for any website. Since the Google Caffeine update (which has been released around 2010), this search engine has started incorporating web page loading speed into its ranking algorithms. Also, another thing that is important is...

The expansion of the internet changed many things around us. The greatest change it caused is the way people do business, as having a successful business is almost impossible without owning a website. The number of websites is increasing daily and all these websites take...

It’s easy to think that a roof is always a roof, and that residential and commercial roofs are technically the same thing, just on a different scale. The truth is there are quite a few differences between residential and commercial roofs. Here are the main...

You are travelling around the world in search for adventure, new acquaintances, knowledge about other cultures...

It is common knowledge that internet users are not the most attentive audience around. They are a very impatient bunch as well, and any delays in website performance are going to encounter very little tolerance from them. The most you can expect from internet users...

It can be rather difficult to make a choice about something you know absolutely nothing about. Many people who have scarcely used the Internet are forced to make a website for their company, since these days, if you are not on the web, it’s like...

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