If you have already had your share of tortillas, patatas, chorizos and bravas, then you should devote your next trip to Barcelona, to explore their food scene from a slightly less traditional to a slightly more metropolitan angle. Barcelona is known for its Michelin starred...

Because there are a lot of different types of food on the market, many people get confused and don’t really know which foods are the “healthy and nutritious” options that our bodies actually need. We are bombarded with attractive fast food advertisements of “incredibly tasty”...

Having healthy meals isn’t that difficult at all. It’s all a matter of habit, really, and somehow a lot of people decide to adopt the bad ones. Preparing a meal that’s full of energy capable of enabling you to have a great day will take...

What is the first thing you notice about other people? Their hair, skin, what kind of clothes they are wearing or what is their posture? And what about their smile? According to many studies, teeth are the first thing people notice about you, so we...

The biggest problem with diets is that they often tend to be very restrictive and do not allow for some sweet snacks, instead opting for cheat days around the weekend where you can gorge on whatever you want, which is a recipe for disaster. First...

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