The following is a guide on how to quit smoking. DAY 1 Congratulations. You are joining the majority, the people who do not smoke or have given up smoking. In seven days, you will be a non smoker too. First step: throw away all your cigarettes. Now buy...

Somehow you’ve managed to come up with an idea that you should create a website. Great! Well, it’s all going to get a lot harder from now on. Whether you are thinking of creating a database of cute pictures of kittens, posting your hand-drawn weekly...

For those that like to travel, there is no place that is too far to reach and there is no such thing as a trip that takes too long. If you consider yourself a true traveler and a “victim” of wanderlust, than I welcome you....

A high number of current as well as upcoming blockbuster movies and TV shows are based on, or inspired by comic books, which is a great fact for a couple of reasons. First of all, it is good to see that something which was previously...

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