The concept of shutters as a window treatment evolved from ancient Greece, where beautifully designed marble shutters were fixed on windows. Soon, this idea made its way across the globe and was primarily seen on cotton plantations and grand mansions. With time, marble was replaced...

Human creativity has no boundaries, and only a few things can stand in the way of an inspired mind. True artists with a will to express themselves will stop at nothing to make their ideas into reality. A lot of people might think that producing...

The importance of memories Our past makes us who we are and that same past is made out of a vast number of memories. Good or bad, memories are there as proof that we exist, that we lived and gathered some experience throughout our life. We...

Golf balls are used for one thing and one thing only, right? Well, wrong. Aside from playing the noble game of golf, these balls can have a lot of other purposes, only if you get creative enough. While they seem virtually indestructible (if you have ever...

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