There are very few businesses that can survive or achieve success without having a strong presence on the internet. And this means more than just having a website. It means utilizing everything from social media to engaging with your clients online. Some of the many ways...

Any business has the greatest chance of closing during the first few years, and it is a period where all kinds of adjustments must be made in order to accommodate the market. All of this will influence the ability of your business to survive and...

How many times have you shared that amazing brainstorm moment with your friends in a bar, only to end up doing nothing about it? Throughout our twenties, every one of us has fantasized about opening a restaurant, starting a clothing line or launching an online...

What is a business plan? A business plan is a description of a certain business in written form – it is a plan that explains the future of some organization, its goals and the means that will be used to achieve those goals. Business plans...

Every once in a while, there are some decisions we regret, and we aren’t quite sure how or why we made that particular choice. We try to choose the best possible business choice, but somehow, we still manage to make bad decisions and put ourselves...

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