Barcelona is a wonderful city. It is rich with numerous landmarks that are well worth the visit. However, throughout and around the city, there are numerous hidden gems that only locals are familiar with. So, once you are finished visiting all the prominent places, prepare...

If you have already had your share of tortillas, patatas, chorizos and bravas, then you should devote your next trip to Barcelona, to explore their food scene from a slightly less traditional to a slightly more metropolitan angle. Barcelona is known for its Michelin starred...

“Artists do not need monuments erected for them, because their works are their monuments.” – Antoni Gaudí This is exactly what the brilliant architectural works of Gaudí are – monuments. The monuments of Barcelona’s most famous and admired architect, the mastermind behind some of the most...

If you have been craving to visit Barcelona for quite some time, the city that has a lot to offer, but have been holding yourself back, it is time to stop it. If you have a routine of booking flights and dropping them in your...

If roaming about in search of inspiration, take the nearest turn and head straight to Barcelona. Even if you are familiar with its harmonious architecture and silent museums, the Catalan capital will still find a way to surprise you. Take a seat at the first...

Wholesome and honest, yet surprisingly complex, Catalan cuisine is not at all hard to love. Connoisseurs of fine dining would call it eclectic, and they wouldn’t be entirely pompous. Dating back to the 14th century, the lush region nurtures ingredients unlikely to be paired, and...

Even though the food and coffee scene is currently in full swing with roasteries, independent coffee houses and related events popping up across Barcelona, there are still plenty of amazing options for those who love a nice cup of tea rather than a steamy espresso....

Perhaps the most essential component of the Catalan diet is bread. Bread is a matter that is taken seriously in Barcelona and, in the last couple of years, there has been a growing trend for returning to some of the more traditional methods of production,...

With five Champions League cups behind the cabinet glass and 23 La Primera trophies keeping them company, Barça has never been stronger. From a legendary newspaper advertisement back in 1899 and the controversial status of national revolutionary, to the flattering label of the All-Time Club...

Whether you want to be physically active or you just want to have some good ol’ fun, Barcelona offers many opportunities for your adventurous spirit. This list can give you some ideas as to which fun and adventurous outdoor activities you should look for in...

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