More and more we see cafes with long tables and a bunch of geeks getting their work done, we live in an era where sitting in an in a office from 9 to 6 and wearing a suit isn't the trend anymore. Barcelona´s laid back atmosphere...

Quietly and proudly, Barcelona sits between the mountains and the sea. It is a city where nature and man-made structures blend together in glorious harmony, leaving its visitors breathless and its citizens, the strong-willed and passionate Catalans, with a strong sense of national pride. Among one...

Barcelona is a great place to visit if you are planning to take your whole family on a vacation. Besides magnificent structures and delicious cuisine, there are many lovely arranged open spaces where you can take your whole family. You don’t have to worry about...

When drinking in a foreign country, you should go prepared. I know that the fun is in spontaneity when it comes to this kind of adventure, but I also know that it’s better to do some research than to end up sick or without any...

If you are one of those people who enjoy riding a bike everywhere, then maybe you should consider visiting Barcelona on your next vacation. There are not many big cities in the world that offer an amazing experience for bike riders, but luckily Barcelona is...

You don’t need money to have fun. A city as magnificent as Barcelona has a lot to offer and it doesn’t really matter which social class you belong to. If you do your research right and learn about Barcelona before you even get there, you’ll...

We can talk about Barcelona for days on end, but let’s face it – the architecture might be great and the people hospitable, but the food…. Oh my God, the food is what makes Barcelona so special and unique. If you’ve ever wondered where you...

In the past couple of years, Barcelona has truly become the shiniest gem in Europe. The underlying reason is that this city has got it all; memorable sights, artistic monuments, incredible Catalan cuisine, beautiful sandy beaches, hiking trails, wineries, numerous restaurants, pubs, vermuterias and an...

Some travel for romance, some for architecture and some to simply get lost. From country to country, different travelers proclaim different soul quests, and few of them cannot be finished in dazzling Barcelona. But, even though all of us travel there for different reasons, we...

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