A healthy dog is a happy dog. It is known that these pets are a man's best friend, and we all know that friendships need work in order to function properly. Well, in this case, it’s up to you to take proper care of your...

A single loud “pop” in the distance is enough to send two of my dogs scrambling to my side. And when it’s fireworks season (that period starting around late June and carrying into July when fireworks are readily available and frequently used), they are utterly...

After a lot of thinking, you have decided that a rabbit is an ideal pet for you and your family. Rabbits can be really wonderful pets, they are blooming with personality and simply adorable. Before you go and adopt one of these cuties, you need...

All those TV commercials, cute photos on the internet and the idea of having a pet in our heads is far from reality. There is so much more to owning a pet than just Instagram photos and playtime. You should be aware that we are...

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