A Depressed Girl Sitting Down

Surviving a Car Crash: How to Win the Mental Battle

If you were involved in a car crash, chances are that you will be needing physical recovery. If you are struggling mentally after a car crash, it is important to get proper help, no matter if you were a driver, a passenger or a pedestrian. While many people recover totally even from the most severe crashes, 30% of them have to deal with some negative psychological consequences. It is not all about the severity of the crash or how severe the injuries are; it is all about how someone perceives it.

If you perceive the crash as life-threatening, or worst case scenario, if someone gets killed in the accident, this can influence your response. But do not worry; the good news is that a majority of people recover from anxiety, which comes as a natural reaction if someone was in a stressful accident. On the other hand, some people do not experience any symptoms of anxiety whereas others suffer from them deeply.

Some of the common symptoms include feeling irritable, worrying, being unable to sleep or relax, being very active, having no energy, feeling upset, confused, angry, having difficulty  concentrating, and feeling tired, out of control and helpless.

Anxiety can make someone feel unsociable, burdening them with some unwanted thoughts and causing them problems when it comes to personal relationships. Most people who are recovering from a car crash always focus on their physical recovery, but often forget to talk to their doctors about their anxiety and stress.

But, there are simple things that can help you take your anxiety under control, like talking about the accident and getting support from your friends and family.


Taking Care after Yourself

After you have been in a car crash, it is important to give yourself time. As a matter of fact, after any difficult period in life, you need time to heal. You need to be patient with yourself; anxiety is normal and you need to let yourself feel it. Talk to someone about the car crash, whether that is a friend, a family member or just someone you feel comfortable with.

You need to take care of yourself, because when people start to feel anxious, they often neglect themselves totally. So, try to eat balanced meals and get the right amount of sleep. Try to do some exercises and go out for walks; just devote some time to yourself. You can even find a hobby or some other activity you enjoy.


When to Ask For Help

If you are experiencing some of the symptoms we mentioned above, perhaps you should seek some medical advice. So, if your symptoms are worrying you, preventing you from functioning normally, and this is going on for more than three months after the accident, it is time to talk to a medical professional. If your symptoms are severe to stop you from functioning normally and you do not ease up after three months, you may be experiencing an anxiety disorder, like post-traumatic stress disorder.


A majority of people who have been in a car crash do not develop any sort of disorder, but some do. They may experience disturbing, irrational thoughts, fears and extreme anxiety. Almost every part of your life will suffer and you will feel like you are overpowered by the whole car crash experience.

Some people have flashbacks, dreams and they become distressed when they are reminded of the accident. They feel like they are out of touch with the world and that their life is not real; they avoid everything that is connected with the crash and feel constant guilt.

Most people get behind the wheel soon after the crash but some experience difficulties. So, if you are frightful, then it is best to take small steps with the support of the people who are closest to you and take everything slowly. Also, remember that the right support and treatment can help you recover from any anxiety disorder, so do not be afraid to seek professional help.

Isidora Drakulovic

Isidora is a creative writer and blogger with a degree from USEE University, where she studied English language and literature. She likes to write about various topics and doesn’t like to limit herself. Apart from being a writer Isidora is also a car enthusiast, loves music and fashion and enjoys trying out new things in life. When she is not out meeting new people, Isidora is at her home trying out new recipes she found online, the relationship she has with chocolate some people may find weird, but Isidora doesn’t really care about it.

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