Start a Whole New Life after You Quit Smoking

First of all, people who quit smoking deserve some praising, so here’s a big BRAVO to all of you who are reading this. Needless to say how much harmful smoking is for you and your environment – all sorts of diseases are triggered by this bad habit. If you found that inner strength that you needed in order to quit for good, you should know that you cannot expect to have a completely toxin-free body instantly. This so called cleansing process takes time and it is of great importance that you help your body recover itself by creating some healthy habits. We all know that the addictive ingredient in cigars called nicotine is the cause for all the trouble, but you also need to know that your body will be free from nicotine in the next few days. It is that other thousand of harmful chemicals that will be stuck in your organism for a prolonged period of time, so you will probably go through a bad period after you quit smoking. Headaches, mood changes, coughing, dizziness and anxiety are just some of the side effect that you will encounter, so you will need to stay strong and endure all of this if you don’t want to become a loser in this game. I will repeat a very important fact – your body will be under the influence of smoking for quite a long period of time after you quit, and this is why you need to take extra effort to recover your health and repair all the damage caused by smoking cigarettes.

Here’s what you need to do:

Start a Healthy Diet


A healthy diet will give your body the necessary strength it needs to go through a trauma such as this one. Regular meals and healthy food is what your body needs right now. Try to include antioxidant rich food in your meals such as carrots, beet, ginger, berries, artichoke, onion, garlic and different seeds. Be careful not to eat too much – eating will seem as the only thing that helps decrease the amount of stress after quitting and you could easily gain a lot of weight. You wouldn’t want that to happen, right? Vitamins are important for detoxification after you quit smoking. Increase your intake of Vitamin C, but also other vitamins and minerals – you can do this by choosing the right food to eat or take supplements.

Be More Active

How will this help? It is simple, it will make you feel great, it will boost your metabolism and it will be a good distraction. Nicotine in cigarettes is highly, addictive and it has a short-term calming effect that you are going to miss if you are coping with a lot of stress in your life. If you are grumpy, you should know that your body releases endorphins into your bloodstream in order to improve your mood. You will have to overcome this crisis, and the best way to do this would be by exercising. Physical activity is good for your overall health so, it is not going to be harmful in any way if you do a 30-minute workout each day.

Sleep Regularly

sleeping habits

Your body uses sleep time to recover and gain energy for normal functioning. This is why it is important to sleep regularly. Try to go to bed as early as you can and wake up early, too. In addition, you will need to spend at least 6 to 8 hours sleeping if you are striving for fast regeneration.

Drink More Water

Being hydrated while quitting is crucial for keeping your body resistant to harmful bacteria and viruses that are going to attack your body while it is still weak – and all of this is caused by smoking. The water in your body will gradually wash off bad substances from your organism and carry it out of your system.

Your Oral Health Is Also Threatened

oral health

According to specialists, the biggest problems that most smokers experience are problems with oral health. Smoking severely affects your oral health so you will have to work on this too, after you quit smoking. Get rid of plaque, tooth decay and bacteria in your oral cavity by improving your oral hygiene. Tartar or calculus will definitely be present on your teeth, especially if you used to smoke for many years. This can be solved by calculus removal treatment and you can also recover your natural teeth color, lost because of smoking, with a teeth whitening treatment.

I hope that all of these tips will be helpful to you in overcoming this tough period in your life. Don’t worry, if you managed to quit smoking, you will certainly find some strength to get back to the healthy lifestyle you once led. Smoking is also bad for your finances and is among the many bad habits that drain your money steadily, each month. Ditching smoking is going to mean extra cash for other, more important and above all else, healthier investments.

Ivan Dimitrijevic

Ivan Dimitrijevic is a seasoned blogger with years of experience. His skill sets include Social Media and Content Marketing and blogging on a variety of topics. He is the founder of MyCity Web and has had many articles published on serious blogs over the years on topics ranging from Digital Marketing, Business to Home, Health & Lifestyle.

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