Social Media


  • Active social media accounts are the backbone of any successful business, and if you are not sure how they are managed, the MyCity-Web crew can help you with that.
  • Not only can we help you by constantly posting and running your social networks, but we are more than willing to create unique content to promote your business.
  • We will keep your followers engaged and entertained, and will always try to lead them to visit your website and check out your offer.

How can social media management help you and your business?


We all have Facebook accounts, and even our grandmothers spend their free time liking and sharing funny videos of cats. But when it comes to running your business accounts, things can get boring pretty quickly, and that’s where we step in.

Social media is probably the most important thing your business should invest in, as the number of your followers can tell a lot about your business, especially to your potential clients. This is the modern version of “word of mouth”, and with this, you can increase your brand exposure, help with customer retention, and further increase traffic to your website.

How can MyCity-Web help you with social media management?


With our expertise in this area, we can help you by running your social media profiles, not only by creating engaging posts and constantly engaging your customers but also by adjusting your previous content, and optimizing all the relevant aspects that can damage your brand, while promoting those that can keep you ahead of your competition.


Even though there is a plethora of social media websites around us, not all will fit you and your business. Depending on your niche, we will explore all possible social marketing strategies and present you with what we think is the best option. The first thing we will do is:


  • identify the best social media channel for you;
  • create a reliable and effective strategy suited for your business;
  • explore and analyze your customer base;
  • create shareable, engaging content;
  • help you connect with influencers from your niche.


Why should you let MyCity-Web manage your:

1. Facebook?

If you’ve set up your Facebook account and yet it doesn’t seem to be making any traction, and even though you know how it should work, it simply doesn’t; if you are familiar with this scenario, then you should let us to help you!


Even if you do not have a Facebook page ready, we can do that for you, and we will ensure that it represents your business in the best possible way, in order to create a really good first impression. After that, we will gradually start building your fan base, and target other high-profile users so that even they can further promote your page. We will also present you with the most efficient Facebook Ad campaign, where your page can quickly gather followers, or boost each particular post.


There is a lot more to Facebook than this, and we will continually keep your followers updated, which will show results and increase your website traffic. Our team of social media experts will use their extensive knowledge in order to create the most effective, yet personal experience for you and your business.

2. Twitter?

As for Twitter, the main goal is increasing the number of followers. Our general plan is connecting to people from your niche, which will create a more active account with a lot more exposure. We usually use the 4-1-1 rule which is actually 4 industry related tweets, 1 relevant retweet and one self-serving tweet. This creates a natural flow of things, and will ensure that you steadily gain followers, without actually having to utilize the old-fashioned method of follower-churning.


Twitter can help you by focusing on industry related tweets, where you can mention and link your brand, as well as use local hashtags to engage the local audience. From these tweets, we will contact and reach out to a lot of people, and even try and make friendly interactions with all of them in order to ensure the greatest exposure possible. This will help you build your online reputation, which will ensure that your further tweets are constantly, naturally retweet and responded to by other users.

3. LinkedIn?

LinkedIn’s new publishing platform can be used to connect you with other influential people from your niche, as well as establish you as an expert. All the content published on LinkedIn is read and commented by real people, which will in turn drive them to further explore your profile and find out more about your business and your personal and professional achievements. Some articles can even become viral, which can easily put you on the map, both locally and internationally.


The primary objectives of running a successful LinkedIn account is creating industry related texts. This will attract various people who are both interested in your line of work, and other influential people from your niche. Apart from making sure that your articles are as interesting and relevant as possible, we will also spend time engaging with other users and their accounts in order to create a circle of trusts that can help you further down the road.

4. Pinterest?

Due to the unique nature of this social network, a unique approach is needed. Pinterest simply loves businesses that deal with fashion, food and animals, as those images can go viral without much trouble. This is not to say that, if you are not in that area of work, you do not stand a chance on Pinterest – on the contrary; it simply means that we will need to find a better approach in order to successfully advertise you and your business there.


Creating interesting and relevant boards will be our main goal, as well as getting invited to other popular boards, where we will be able to pin our own, interesting content, alongside self-promotional content. This is to be done in a way that is unobtrusive, so that it does not violate Pinterest’s guidelines.

5. YouTube?

A great video that never finds its target audience is, simply said, worthless. Creating video content is something our Video Editing Team is more than familiar with, but we know the importance of video promotion in order to gather the numbers that you want. A good video should help your business profile be more approachable, and further expand your brand exposure, but it is ultimately a helping tool that can be used on other social networks, as well as on your website.


Videos can contain a lot of interactive information, meaning that they can be a lot more interesting than simple blog posts. Our goal is to make sure that your video is in the right place, in front of the right people. We will try and optimize them, and ensure that they have as much exposure as possible, as well as to further promote them on other social networks. So, if you are ready to start a successful video campaign, contact us!

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