Smokers: You Are Seriously Endangering Your Children’s Health

Not only that smoking pollutes our environment and damages our health, but it can also jeopardize the health of the people around you, who need not be smokers themselves. Think about all the problems you can cause to the people you love and maybe this will make you quit or at least be more responsible and avoid smoking in the presence of your children!

Skin problems

You are doing all that you can help your children get rid of their acne, pimples, blackheads and greasy skin but despite all that effort, they still have skin problems? Smoking around your children might be the cause for these problems which can be quite annoying. Problematic skin can influence your children’s level of self esteem, which is really important for the development of a person’s psyche, especially at a young age. If you can notice how much your child suffers because of this, remember that you might be causing their skin condition.

Lung cancer risk

It is widely known that smoking is one of the greatest risk factors that increases the chance of getting lung cancer. Most parents feel relieved that their children don’t smoke and they are completely forgetting that passive smokers can also develop a serious illness like lung cancer. Some studies show that non-smokers who live in a premises where they inhale secondhand smoke have a 24% increased chance of developing this terrible illness. In order to prevent this, chose to smoke outside or in a room you will prohibit your children from entering in.


Your smoking will make your children’s respiratory organs suffer the consequences. Children that have allergies, asthma and a poor immune system should definitely stay away from smoke polluted areas. Passive smoking can deteriorate their condition which can sometimes even have a fatal outcome. If your children’s health is that fragile, smoking around them should be forbidden – this goes for you, as well as for all other family members who smoke.

Middle ear problems

Kids who live with smokers are more likely to have ear infections that are really painful and can lead to damaged hearing. Middle ear problems can be pretty serious and sometimes doctors have no other option than to solve this with a surgical procedure. Being a responsible parent means keeping your child happy and healthy as much as you can – and, sometimes, you must sacrifice yourself for their well being. If you choose not to take responsibility for your own health, let your children’s health be your motivation that will help you to get rid of this bad habit.

Tobacco smoke decreases appetite

The little ones need healthy nutrition for their mental and physical development. This means that they should have big and regular meals rich with vitamins, minerals, fibers and proteins. If you are wondering why your children’s appetite is poor, consider that you might be doing something wrong. Tobacco smoke decreases appetite, so if you are smoking in the presence of your children, this might result in their loss of appetite and weight. Fresh air and physical activity can considerably improve your children’s appetite.

Smoking during pregnancy

Smoking during your pregnancy can damage the health of your baby or even lead to a miscarriage. Nicotine and carbon monoxide that are found in tobacco smoke can be the cause of premature delivery and as they reduce the supply of oxygen to your baby, they can be the cause of heart, brain and lung damage. Every mother wants what’s best for her baby, so if you are one of them, quit smoking for the sake of your child’s health.

Dental problems

Did you know that secondhand smokers can develop teeth cavities because you are smoking around them? Some studies show that tooth decay is accelerated in kids whose parents smoke around them. This means that their tooth enamel is more easily damaged, so the risk of developing caries is increased. Of course, this doesn’t mean that your children’s teeth are going to be flawless if you don’t smoke – you still need to take them to the dentist regularly in order to prevent dental problems, as they can be quite painful.


Katarina Milovanovic

Katarina is a creative writer, article writer and content writer with the degree in English language, literature and culture at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Nis. She likes writing about beauty, travelling and computer games. Except for the interest in linguistics and writing, she likes art, especially acting. She is also a big fan of films, books, computer games and TV shows, and a week cannot pass without her watching another new film or a new episode of her favourite TV show. Her passion is travelling, because she thinks that getting to know another culture means expanding your mind and knowledge.

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