Simple Ways to Improve Your Physical Appearance

If you think that other people’s opinion about you depends only on who you are and not on what you look like, you’re terribly deluded. This is not to say that the former is not important at all but, whether you like it or not, “I don’t judge people” is probably one of the most common lies. The truth is that we are all judgmental, and we judge people based on the way they talk, the way they walk, their gesticulation, and also on their physical appearance. Your clothes and hairstyle do not necessarily speak volumes about you as a person, but they definitely affect what people think about you, so you may consider making some minor changes with regards to your looks.


Your dressing style is probably the first thing that people notice and on what they base their initial opinion, at least until you start talking. Wearing clothes that are too large for your body size is ok if you’re a teenage skater, but if you’re in your mid-twenties or older, it would automatically make people assume that you don’t have a job and still depend on your parents for pocket money. Your clothes shouldn’t be too tight either – you need to make everything fit perfectly, not just around your neck, but around your waist and limbs as well! Keep it simple, don’t dress like a rock star if you’re not one. Don’t stand out in the crowd by wearing too colorful clothes – that may be a good strategy to attract a mate if you’re a parrot, but it doesn’t work very well with humans. Bring a friend when you go shopping, preferably one who is generally regarded to have a good style (or whose style you like). They may help you to achieve a great effect with simple and cheap clothes, without spending a huge amount of money – only if something is branded, it doesn’t necessarily mean that it looks good.


It’s hard to tell what would be a good hairstyle for you, since it depends on your face, head shape, clothes and, of course, your hair (color, thickness, the way it naturally grows, etc.) so, this may require a few months of experimenting, using the trial and error method until you get it right. Perhaps it would be a good idea to take a look at celebrities who are generally regarded as stylish and attractive, and see what would look good when combined with your dressing style. You may end up disappointed after the first shot, but this should not discourage you from trying another. Don’t choose one just because it is a current trend… only because everyone is crazy about it at the moment, does not mean it looks good on everyone.



Teeth lose their natural white color with years, and a perfect way to speed this up is by drinking coffee and coke, or smoking cigarettes. Unless you live on another planet (which is highly unlikely), chances are that one of those is on your list of vices. If you’ve tried some teeth whitening kits, you’ve probably already lost all hope that your teeth would be as shiny as they used to be, or at least that there is a long-lasting solution. Don’t worry, it is simpler than it may seem – all it takes is visiting a dentist. In fact, it is one of the most common treatments as far as cosmetic dentistry is concerned. A bad smile is one of the things that most severely damage people’s self-confidence, so not only that other people will find your company more pleasing, but you will feel more comfortable in their presence as well!


If you’ve ever used public transportation, you must have encountered someone surrounded by bad odor. Needless to say, nobody likes having such people in their proximity so, make sure that you are never one of them. Even if you don’t mind the smell of your own sweat, keep in mind that other people will not like it just as you wouldn’t like theirs! Always spray some deodorant when you’re leaving the house, and during the summer, when you expect excessive sweating, use antiperspirants to protect critical areas, such as armpits. Many people are not aware that these are two different things – while deodorants simply mask bad odors, antiperspirants prevent sweating (don’t worry, they’re not harmful). Don’t forget about the face either – buy some nice cologne or eau de toilette. These last longer than an aftershave, but since they contain more perfume oil, don’t use them right before going out because your face may look too red and blotchy for a while.

Aleksandar Ilic

Aleksandar Ilic is an experienced blogger and ghost writer who has experience with a lot of different subjects which range from construction, music, gaming, environmentalism and so on. As a former student of the English Language and Literature Department, at the University of Nis, Serbia with a particular interest in literature he can adapt his writing to any style while making the content seem natural to native speakers. His love for music led him to start playing in a band when he was in high school and he plays the guitar to this day. He is also an enthusiast for online PvP games and a great fan of epic fiction.

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