Simple Makeup Tips That Will Help You Nail That Job Interview

If you are in a pursuit for a new job, handing out and sending resumes, it is only a matter of time when a potential employer might call you in for a job interview. When that happens, it is time to start preparing yourself for that job interview, because who knows – that position may be your dream come true. It is important to leave a good first impression, and beauty plays a great role in achieving that. When at a job interview, you should look neat, pay attention to details and communicate through your appearance. If you are feeling confident about your looks, you will easily present yourself and all the qualifications you have. So, here are some simple makeup tips that will help nail that job interview.


You should wash your hair the night before the interview, because you don’t want to be late due to styling your hair on the day of your interview. One important thing – don’t rely on dry shampoo to help you out. Your hair should look simple. If it is long, you can pull it back in a ponytail. This can be helpful in preventing you from playing with it and twirling it if you start feeling nervous. You can add a little hairspray, so that you tame those flyaways and skip all the hair accessories – especially the flashy ones – and hats, because you wouldn’t want to take off the hat and get your hair all messed up. Last but not least you should keep your hair out of your face; it may be seductive if you are on a date, but for a job interview, you may look unprofessional.


Young woman applying make-up

As far as the makeup goes, less is more. When you are getting ready in the morning, if it usually takes you 5 minutes, give yourself 15. Don’t apply too much coverage – a BB cream or a tinted moisturizer will help you even out the tone of your skin. If you have any imperfections on your skin, like redness or blemishes, cover them up with a concealer. As for the lips, wear sheer lipstick and give your lips a small hint of color. Avoid putting lip gloss. because it is not really appropriate for a job interview. Make sure that you smile at your interviewer. Consider visiting a dentist and refreshing your smile with some simple procedures, so that you feel confident at your job interview. For your eyes, use only eye shadows that are in natural shades and try to stay away from glittering your eyelids. You will only need a little mascara and eyeliner, to emphasize your eyes and, as far as your eyebrows go, you should be well groomed. Skip contouring and highlighting, which can be amazing for a night out with your friends, but for an interview, apply only a small amount of blush – it will give you a healthy and nice looking glow.

Perfume and Nails

Pretty Lady Smiling

As for perfume, the best thing would be if you don’t wear any, because you might put off your interviewer with your scent. The interviewer might not like the scent you are wearing, or worst case scenario, he or she can be allergic to it. Your nails should be clean. No hangnails! All your nails should be even, therefore another beauty tip you need to follow is getting a manicure. Make sure that your nails are neat, and that the nail polish you use is in a neutral color. Consider beige and light pink colors. Avoid doing a French manicure – one might consider them classy, but some people really don’t like them and think that they are overrated. So, always decide on putting one color on your nails.

These are our three simple makeup tips that can really help you pass that job interview you have been waiting for. Apply them all, and remember to smile because all this wouldn’t mean a thing if you are not happy to be there and grateful for the chance you are presented with. So, with our makeup tips and your confidence, you will surely nail that interview and blow away your competition. Good luck!

Isidora Drakulovic

Isidora is a creative writer and blogger with a degree from USEE University, where she studied English language and literature. She likes to write about various topics and doesn’t like to limit herself. Apart from being a writer Isidora is also a car enthusiast, loves music and fashion and enjoys trying out new things in life. When she is not out meeting new people, Isidora is at her home trying out new recipes she found online, the relationship she has with chocolate some people may find weird, but Isidora doesn’t really care about it.

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