Radon: The Silent Killer in Your Home

We’ve all heard the horror stories about the link between smoking and lung cancer. In fact, some 80-90% of lung cancer cases can be traced back to exposure to tobacco smoke. However, for smokers and non-smokers alike, there is another significant factor that might lead to the development of lung cancer, but often goes unchecked: exposure to radon.

Here is some basic information about the dangers of this gas. We hope that, by the end of this text, you’ll be inspired to stay safe and research professionals who deal with mitigation.

What is Radon?


Radon is a radioactive element, most usually found in gas form. It is the colorless, tasteless, odorless byproduct of uranium and thorium decomposition in soil and rocks, which occurs naturally in the environment. As they decay, uranium and thorium produce radium, which, in turn, produces radon as it decays.

However, radon produced by the decay of radium does not only exist in a gaseous state, but also as solid particles called radon daughters or radon progeny, which may stick to surfaces or float around in the form of highly toxic dust. The inhalation of its daughters, released from rock formations underneath buildings, as well as poor building materials, is what leads to lung problems in humans.

How Dangerous is It?

The short answer? Very dangerous. Radon has been classified by the International Agency for Research on Cancer as a confirmed carcinogen, and its hazardous properties have been thoroughly researched by the scientific community. In humans and animals alike, lungs and the respiratory system have the most significant chances of being affected, since the primary means of exposure to it and its daughters is inhalation. But, as it decays, its toxic byproducts may move around the body, causing damage to other organs and DNA.

Among non-smokers, it is considered to be the leading cause of lung cancer. Though tobacco smoke is a more potent carcinogen, consistent exposure should be a cause for concern for smokers, too; the synergistic effect of the two carcinogens significantly boosts the chances of a smoker getting lung cancer.

Radon Mitigation

Dangers of Radon

Radon mitigation is the process aimed at lowering the concentrations in buildings and/or water supplies.

The first step in the process is testing indoor levels, performed with the use of a test kit. Such kits can often be found in home improvement centers or purchased from specialized online stores. Should the levels in your home or office exceed the recommended limit, you seriously need to consider hiring the services of a professional radon mitigation team.

Radon mitigation is performed using specialized systems and equipment installed in and around your home or building. Most commonly used techniques include active soil depressurization (ASD) and mechanical ventilation (MV). ASD removes it from the soil around your home, and represents one of the best ways of mitigating the gas. MV, on the other hand, is more suited for indoor spaces, in cases where it is released from building materials. Upon examining your home or building, mitigation professionals will decide which of these techniques is best for you.

Since it poses so many health risks, it is highly advisable to check its levels in your home. If you detect elevated levels of this hazardous element early on, you stand a much better chance of maintaining your health and avoiding numerous and serious effects.

Aleksandar Ilic

Aleksandar Ilic is an experienced blogger and ghost writer who has experience with a lot of different subjects which range from construction, music, gaming, environmentalism and so on. As a former student of the English Language and Literature Department, at the University of Nis, Serbia with a particular interest in literature he can adapt his writing to any style while making the content seem natural to native speakers. His love for music led him to start playing in a band when he was in high school and he plays the guitar to this day. He is also an enthusiast for online PvP games and a great fan of epic fiction.

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