Proven Tricks for Increasing Website Traffic

The internet is a big place, and it is stuffed with all kinds of information, resources and shops, and all of them have a single goal in mind – standing out from the crowd. That is why the magic keyword is usually “driving traffic to your website” which is your business card, and your online home. With the development of social media, it is easy to understand why people have somehow forgotten the importance is a highly-functional, attractive websites, and are dedicating their resources to other outlets, which are certainly looking more promising.


While this is true, and your social network profiles can create audience engagement like no other, all of them should be used to direct visitors towards your main website, where you should do everything in your power to keep them there. A beautiful and practical website is one of the best and most effective ways of increasing your website ranking, especially if it is designed in the way that fits your area of work. It would be good if you used some metric tools to check where the visitors are clicking the most, and these figures will enable you to make all the upgrades you need.

Design and Accessibility


If your website is not adequately prepared for mobile devices, you are making a huge mistake. The fact that people are always carrying at least one mobile device will show you the importance of adaptive website design that is able to fit on any screen size, and is able to display its content on all operating systems. Mobile devices are used to find all kinds of products and services, and being able to access them that way is essential. A simple solution would be to create either a separate website that is mobile friendly, or a much more complicated version, where a website is scaled down.

Responsiveness is another important aspect each website owner should think about. Large companies quickly understood the importance of responsive design, which renders perfectly on any device, and offers an experience that is both natural and practical. A responsive design does not only mean that you are able to get the same experience on every platform, but also that there are many features such as an inbuilt gallery, simple navigation panel, secure connection (when needed) and social media integration.

Social Media


We have already mentioned how social networks can help you in creating brand awareness, but people are not using it in the most optimal way possible. The goal of social networks can be used in order to widen your audience, and create a strong fan base, but this will not happen all by itself. It requires continuous work, and it presents one of the most cost effective ways of advertising, and any online marketing strategy should make room for Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and LinkedIn promotion. You should keep in mind that advertising alone is not enough, as you should dedicate time and effort to those networks the same way you would if it were your private profile, and while there are many benefits of real-world engagement with customers, online media allows simultaneous communication with many customers, where all kinds of information are available. Social media, along with a good website is crucial for a comprehensive online presence, and that is one of the ways of succeeding. If nothing else, social network are a sure way of generating traffic on your home site, and the easiest thing to link to is usually your blog post.

Great Content


No matter what your business is about, your blog will certainly always be one of the main reasons why people will come back to your site. Blogs in general are an important part of information distribution around the internet, and their number is growing every day. They are an important medium for self-expression and also for sharing vital everyday information around the world. But that does not mean that each and every blog is successful and profitable, because a large percentage of them has been abandoned either by their audience or their authors. That is why a blog should be one part of your website that is constantly updated. And not only that, but the content that is provided there will not just build you an image of an expert, but it will also provide insightful and trustworthy information about your area of work.

By sharing helpful advice, not only will you become a trustworthy expert in your field, but you can also create nice content where you can promote your business and then share it across other social networks. People will find your blog interesting, and will be able to share it over their social networks, and that is not only free advertising, but is considered audience engagement, attracting additional visitors who can easily become returning customers. On a more practical side, feel free to develop a personal writing style, where you can express your opinions and thoughts, while trying to offer some interesting information. You can blog whenever you want, just try and develop a certain pattern over time so that your readers know when to expect your next post. Feel free to schedule a post if you aren’t available, or if you are abroad.

All of this will create a unique and practical website. In this day and age, you would presume that all businesses have their own websites, but clearly, that is not the case. By not investing into websites, not only their money, but also their time and effort, business owners are missing out on one of the greatest tools available for marketing.


The same way anyone would put a lot of effort into creating a physical store, the same way, people should pay attention to their website, because people are growing increasingly accustomed to going online and doing research about any product and service of a company they are thinking of having business with. As a business owner, a website will help you establish credibility, and will certainly show that you are taking your job quite seriously.

Vladimir Zivanovic

Vladimir Zivanovic is a Project Manager here at MyCity-Web and a part-time blogger with a Master’s degree in English language and literature from University of Belgrade. He is responsible for communication, including status reporting, project preparation, and, in general, making sure the project is delivered in budget, on schedule, and within scope. His main interests are computer technologies and he is a great gaming enthusiast, especially for World of Warcraft, which he has been playing since the beginning. When he is not playing games or reading epic fantasy, he is saving up to buy the newest mobile phone, as he is lost without one. He also loves surfing the internet, finding interesting facts, and using them when someone least expects it. Doing an exhaustive research is very important for Vlada, as everything needs to be supported by hard facts. He regularly posts on his Lifehack and LinkedIn profile.

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