Product Promotion Strategies

No matter how good your product is, or how useful it is, people will always tend to evaluate it based on the numbers it sold. The best way to increase the sales of your new, or old items, is to make a promotion and draw attention to them. In other words, you need to inspire a “sure, I’ll give it a try” attitude, and whenever you want to achieve that, you must have a good promotion strategy. People will always buy your product if they need to, but people do not necessarily need what you are selling, and it is why you need to make an offer that is so sweet that it will seal the deal.

Gifts and freebies


When promoting your product, it is very important that you have some free samples that people can try (of course, if you sell cars offer a free ride), and make a special offer that if someone buys it, he or she will get a gift. No need to state that people love to get stuff free of charge, and this kind of offer usually has the power to convince them to buy your product.

Sure, you can bring it back


The barrier that usually stands in the way of your customers, when they want to try out something new, is that thought in their heads – “What if I am making a mistake, or what if it doesn’t work?”. To eliminate this obstacle, you need to offer refunds, because by doing so, you show them that you do not have any concerns about your product. Once the consumer realizes that he or she can return the purchased item, he will be less hesitant to make the purchase.

Let the people know there is a promotion


Probably the most important thing, in order for your promotion to be a successful one, is that people know that that promotion exists. Online marketing is always a good approach to spread the word around – let both Facebook and Twitter users know that the promotional period has begun. Make fliers and have them distributed, make a big poster and rent billboards.

Make sure you have a good sales strategy


It’s not enough to just advertise your product and hope for the best – you need to develop a sales strategy and find the best way to get your product into stores. You need to make sure  that the product actually reaches the market and that you get it into fairly good stores that have lots of customers. Good marketing will only do so much, and if your product isn’t easily accessible to the masses, you won’t get too many sales in the future. No one will go out of their way to find your product if there are a number of similar options readily available in most shops. So, don’t just focus on the initial promotion, but work out your plans for the future as well.

If you manage to pull off a good sale during a promotional period, it will send quite a nice message about your product and secure its sale in the future. That’s why promotion is so important and you need to use a correct approach. So, be creative, come up with funny slogans and make sure they catch on, try to compel people to talk about what you are offering. Finally, use techniques like free samples, refunds, spreading the word via social media, gifts or other things that will make your offer more irresistible.

Djordje Todorovic

Djordje Todorovic is a creative writer, a part-time game designer and a linguist, with a degree from the English Language and Literature department. He takes interest in science fiction, epic fiction and horror movies, TV series, books and comic books. He is also a major fan of video games that belong to either MMORPG or point and click adventures genre; he also likes board games as well as trading card games. Djordje has a great amount of respect for the art of stand-up comedy and voice acting, it is his dream to achieve high level of proficiency in either of these areas. He admires the work of George Carlin and Dylan Moran.

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