Preparing for a New Pet: How to Take Care of a Rabbit

After a lot of thinking, you have decided that a rabbit is an ideal pet for you and your family. Rabbits can be really wonderful pets, they are blooming with personality and simply adorable. Before you go and adopt one of these cuties, you need to gather all the information and see if a pet rabbit is a good fit for you and your family. Have in mind that rabbits like to chew everything, so bunny-proofing needs to be done, and if you don’t do that, you will end up having all the possessions you love chewed to bits. Rabbits love to be on the move, so you will need a large space for them so that they can get their exercise. If you want a pet you can cuddle, a rabbit is not a good choice because they don’t like to be held. So, if you are okay with this, let’s get through all the things that need to be done and prepared for the arrival of your pet rabbit.

Preparing the House


The first thing you need to decide on is where your rabbit will primarily live. If you want to provide the best care to it, we recommend that you let it live inside the house with you. This way, you will socialize with the rabbit more and you will protect it from the outside predators and weather conditions. The best place for your rabbit to live in would be in the central area of your home. Use a puppy pen to arrange its living space, since this way, it will have its own space and you can expand it in time, when your bunny grows up. When you have decided on the space where the bunny will live, make sure that you bunny-proof the surrounding area so that the bunny doesn’t damage your possessions. Cover all the cords, and remove all wooden furniture, because it can attract your bunny.

Have in mind that, if the rabbit gets bored, it will amuse itself by chewing around the things it finds, so provide something for him to play with, like a cardboard castle which you can make out of empty toilet paper rolls, maybe an old phone book or any other paper stuff you don’t need.

Most rabbits are litter box trained but sometimes that can change when they come into a new house because that can be a stressful process for them. So, be patient and persistent. Litter training can be frustrating, but you can do it – the adjustment period is short, and before you know it, you will have a trained bunny.

Nutrition and Equipment

One of the most important things to know when getting a pet rabbit is to properly feed it and understand the rabbit’s nutritional needs. Proper nutrition in right amounts, that’s what is crucial for the rabbit’s well-being. A rabbit’s diet consists of fiber, so your pet has to have unlimited hay at all times, so make sure that no one in your household doesn’t have hay allergies. You can also feed the bunny with fresh vegetables and pellets. Your bunny needs to always have access to clean and fresh water and fresh food, so make sure that you only provide the best there is. So, the things you will need most are hay feeder, food and water bowls, and don’t forget the chew toys and a lot of cardboard to always keep your pet occupied.

So, the bottom line is, do the research before a bunny becomes a part of your family. Before you go crazy with excitement, make sure that you can at all times provide it with a good home. If you are firm with your decision and believe that you can properly take care of a bunny, go to the nearest shelter, adopt one and give that bunny a home it truly deserves.

Ana Vucic

Ana Vucic is a creative writer at MyCity-Web with a degree in English language and literature. When she is not reading the latest A Song of Ice and Fire book, she is actively looking for an inspiration for writing in her favourite music. She loves travelling and exploring new cultures, and wants to visit the Hobbiton movie set in New Zealand, where she hopes to meet Peter Jackson.

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