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Pregnancy Healthy Diet: 4 Foods You Need to Include

Portrait of asian pregnant women with fresh tasty sweet fruits decoration

There is no need to explain how important a healthy diet is during pregnancy, but sometimes we are unsure about what we should and what we shouldn’t eat. Here is a list of five foods rich in nutrients that you should include in your meals to ensure that both mommy and baby stay strong and healthy throughout the pregnancy.  

1. Milk and Yogurt

During pregnancy you need more calcium than ever. Although our body absorbs calcium from the food that we eat, drinking non-fat milk and yogurt is also very important. Make sure that yogurt is low fat and sugar free. Besides the necessary calcium, yogurt is a great source of probiotics, which can keep your digestion regular. Bear in mind that the yogurt or any other dairy products must be pasteurized in order to avoid any harmful bacteria.  

2. Meat and Fish

Since you are eating for two now, you’ll be needing more proteins. However, this doesn’t mean that you need to eat as much as you can, due to the fact that you can gain excessive weight even during pregnancy. You should be very careful when it comes to meat and fish. Don’t eat junk food or hot dogs that you enjoyed so much before you were pregnant. Forget about them. You need proteins and choline, and beef is a great source of these nutrients. Eat lean meat in order to get enough iron for you and your baby. When it comes to the right choice of fish, you should be extra careful. Some fish are high in mercury, which can be harmful to your developing baby. The best choice is salmon, which is a good source of necessary proteins and omega-3 fats, and has a low amount of mercury. However, in order to prevent ingesting too much mercury, limit these meals and take no more than 12 ounces per week. Also, avoid eating sushi and other kinds of raw fish.

3. Broccoli and leafy greens

This green veggie is something you must include in your diet. Broccoli is a great source of vitamin C, calcium, fiber, antioxidants and folate which are needed for the proper growth of your baby. This is a truly powerful vegetable, and can prevent anemia, help you strengthen the bones, regulates diabetes, ensure the good eye health and boost your immune system. So, there are plenty of reasons to start eating broccoli today. Leafy greens such as spinach or lettuce (especially the darker colored one) have plenty of nutrients that will keep you and your baby healthy.

4. Fruit

Bananas are great source of proteins and they are a great way to regain your energy quickly. They are rich in potassium, which can help you deal with fatigue. Oranges are rich in vitamin C, fiber and folate. Since this fruit is over 80 % water, it is also a great way to stay hydrated. A glass of orange juice with your breakfast is certainly a smart move.

Another food you may want to include in your diet are eggs (they can be a great substitute for meat since they have a lot of proteins), whole grains which are rich in fiber, vitamin E and phytonutrients, dry fruit, beans and many other nutrients. Remember, you need all these vitamins and minerals for both of you, if you want to stay healthy and avoid any unwanted risks.