Preconception Steps: 4 Things You Should Do before Getting Pregnant

Finally making that step to bring a new life into this world and become a parent is a life-changing decision that will turn your world upside down. Your set of priorities is about to change and everything in your life will be subordinated to that small wonderful being that will become the center of your universe. However, before any of those things happen, you need to start with the obvious – getting pregnant. This process is different with every couple, but there are some common things that can always be applied.

Go through an Appropriate Cleansing Period


There are many damaging factors you experience on daily basis that you probably don’t even notice anymore. Your partner and you both need to go through an appropriate cleansing period so you can be sure that you have done everything in your power that your future baby is born happy and healthy. Therefore, everything from cigarettes to stress needs to go. This will be a tough period for both of you (if you do actually have some kind of addictions), but it should be regarded as an investment into your future. Also, if you haven’t so far, you two need to adopt healthy eating habits – regular meals and no junk food are a must, at least until the weird cravings start.

Get Your Preconception Checkup Done

Not all couples decide to do this, but it might be a good idea to consult a professional before you start anything. Other than determining your physical state, an experienced medical practitioner will solve every dilemma you could possibly have, and give you helpful advice when it comes to getting pregnant.

Plan Everything around Your Body’s Rhythm


Only a small percentage of couples are lucky enough to get pregnant during the first month, so you need to roll up your sleeves and work hard to get what you want. Everything you two do regarding pregnancy needs to be planned around your cycle – the best time to conceive is ovulation, and the best rhythm you could possibly adopt is having intercourse every two days. It’s quite important to be persistent throughout, but don’t overdo it because you will exhaust yourselves.

Know When to Ask for Professional Help


If traditional methods don’t work out for you, it’s time to turn to professionals. The period after which you need to ask for help depends on how old you are – if you’re under 35, you should try for a year before scheduling an appointment; if you’re anywhere from 35 to 40, this period shortens to six months; and if you’re over 40, it’s probably the best to consult a medical practitioner right away. There are many different treatments you should get familiar with, which is why you need to take your time and find the right one. Dealing with different stages of infertility is hard, but you need to find a way to stay motivated and optimistic, because it’s worth it.

This is an important change in your life, and you need to take it seriously. If you follow these suggestions through you’ll minimize chances of something going wrong, which is a responsible thing to do. Good luck!

Alex Filipovic

Alex Filipovic has been in the world of blogging for over 4 years. Her interests lie in the world of Fashion and Health, but in her career, she covered a wide range of topics – from raising awareness about environmental issues to discussing the various advances in informational technology. She strives to keep herself up to date when it comes to all her interests, the list of which is constantly growing.

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