MyCity Web – Digital Marketing Agency

Plastic Surgery and Social Media

Before social media, we had to use a quite different approach to advertising, and it has changed the way we interact with the internet in general. The way Google search is, in essence, the whole internet for someone, many people see it through the eyes of social networks. In a short time, they have taken such a big role in our lives, and it’s quite hard remembering life without them. In terms of business, they have also brought some revolutionary ideas, especially when it comes to advertising.

Cosmetic surgery is, to be truthful, a business, and you can hardly imagine a company without a strong online presence, which includes having a website and a social media profile, and it is usually a factor that determines who is going to be a smashing success, and who is going to fall behind. Since advertising is a must, you will have to dedicate part of your time to creating a proper strategy, and finding the best way to sell your services.

Traditional approaches, which include TV commercials, radio and newspaper ads are quite static in their nature and are suited for large groups of people, and they do not offer any personalized experience. The fact that social media is mostly used for entertainment is the main reason why they are so good for advertising products or services. It simply makes sense to invest into ads that will appear on Facebook, Google+, Pinterest or Twitter. But be mindful, each network offers different approaches, so you should try and find only a few that you can really dedicate your time, and your mind to.

Facebook has about 1 billion active users (yes, nine zeroes), so it is rightfully called the most important social network on the internet. Just imagine what a large audience that is, and how many potential patients are there for you. Creating a business page is easy, and Facebook will offer you a step by step guide, but on the other hand, getting followers, which are the core of everything is not. Getting a first row seat will cost you, like everything else in life, but not as much as traditional advertising would. Facebook has recently changed its algorithm dedicated to how many people will see posts made by your page. All this is intentional as, after all, Facebook makes money that way, but all their sponsored posts are not that expensive, and what is more important, you can customize them all you want.

This is where the importance of a targeted audience comes into play. When you watch TV commercials, you see all kinds of things that you do not need, but on Facebook, or any other social network, this rarely happens. The reason for this is the fact that we willingly allow them to use all our personal info and adjust ads that we see accordingly, and this is why you will never see an ad that is not dedicated to your gender, or to your local area. When creating advertised posts, you will be able to select everything from age, previous purchases, traveling habits or even a relationship status, so you can find your perfect potential patient.

The things you post will influence how much you will engage your audience, so it is advised that you have your own blog where you can create a brand name behind your business, and where you can present yourself as an expert in your own field. Sharing your blog posts on all the other social networks will increase the traffic towards your site, which is a very important way of search engine optimization. The general advice is to find a professional that could help you with managing your social network accounts, or do all kinds of marketing for you. Optimizing your website is quite important, since it will serve as a landing page for all your visitors and potential customers, and when combined with social media, it will help you keep in touch with all your previous patients. If you use your business skills along with your skills as a doctor, you will have no trouble achieving success.