Non-fixed Salary Jobs – 5 Things You Should Know about Them

Non-fixed salary jobs allow you to think outside the box and encourage creative ideas, but it won’t give you financial security as a fixed salary job. So, what is the better option, and which payment system is more suitable for you. The truth is, if your salary depends on the how much work you’ve done, a variable paycheck can be much more of an initiative than one with regular monthly or weekly salaries. On the other hand, employees with a non-fixed salary may encounter lower paychecks due to lower company performance issues which can only cause more stress.

1. Do non-fixed salary jobs improve productivity?


Unlike with a fixed salary job, your whole salary depends on how much work have you done, as mentioned. In order to earn more money, the employee needs to be more productive, which is why this kind of job demands determination and proper organization. Non-fixed salary jobs are usually good for both the employers and the employees – more work, more profit. Having this in mind, the formula for success in a non-fixed salary job is pretty simple, the harder you work, the higher is your salary. This system of paying encourages productivity and long hours.

2. Learn to appreciate your clients

If you are an employee without a fixed based salary, you need to take extra care with your clients. You need to be assertive, but don’t put too much pressure on them if you want to close the deal. Your clients need to be catered for and appreciated in order to keep them as your regulars or to make the best possible deal. For instance, a realtor needs proper real estate marketing, but also a high standard service in order to make various clients satisfied. If you want to be successful, you should always try to meet their demands and make them feel important and appreciated.

 3. Always stay focused and organized


Almost every piece of work demands focus and proper organization, as this is the best way to become successful in what you do. When it comes to non-fixed salary jobs, you need to be on top of your possibilities and always try to achieve more. You are the one who is in charge and how high your salary will be depends only on you and your abilities. Concentrate on potential market changes since you don’t want to end up empty handed. Stay focused and learn to adapt quickly and efficiently.

4. Non-fixed salaries can create competition between employees

Sometimes, there can be some downsides which can make the cooperation between employees almost impossible. If the company’s policy concerning salaries is commission based, employees are often unwilling to share information or help each other with their work. This can create an unhealthy working atmosphere and it can endanger the sales and therefore, the profit. On the other hand, the competition can also increase the productivity of employees and bring more profit to the company. The line between those two is very thin, so the employer must do everything to ensure a good working atmosphere and healthy competition followed by cooperation. This is why team building is important and it should never be taken for granted.

5. There are good months, but then again, there are bad months


A fixed salary job brings economic security since every employee has a regular paycheck. This kind of security prevents employees from being stressed but very often it also limits down their productivity level. Non-fixed salary jobs don’t have that kind of security and the lack of focus can sometimes result in a lack of money. Yes, with variable paychecks, you can earn a higher salary but sometimes, there are some difficulties. The market isn’t big enough, or the business isn’t so great this month – these are just some of the reasons that will make the employees’ paychecks considerably lower. In such cases, some of the employees try to find another opportunity and very often, they leave the company, while the others stay and try to find another way to overcome their difficulties.

Always, think of new ways to contribute to the company you are working for, as this is another way to enhance your income and avoid dissatisfaction in the long run.


Katarina Milovanovic

Katarina is a creative writer, article writer and content writer with the degree in English language, literature and culture at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Nis. She likes writing about beauty, travelling and computer games. Except for the interest in linguistics and writing, she likes art, especially acting. She is also a big fan of films, books, computer games and TV shows, and a week cannot pass without her watching another new film or a new episode of her favourite TV show. Her passion is travelling, because she thinks that getting to know another culture means expanding your mind and knowledge.

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