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A New Lease Of Life At 60 Plus

Being 60, or over 60, is merely the start of a new phase in life. For some, it’s the challenge of no longer having the family around, for others it’s retiring from work and having to re-organize their time, and some might be dealing with the excitement of being a grandparent. Whatever your life now holds for you, it can be done with dedication and enthusiasm, without discarding your beauty needs.

Don’t forget your face, as proper care can reap you generous and satisfying rewards. You can feel confident if you look good. With not too much effort, you can make that an everyday possibility.


None of us can escape the inevitable wrinkles, sagging skin and lines that appear on our faces with age. They can, in fact, enhance the natural expression of your face.

Though there is not much we can do about erasing wrinkles, we can do something about sagging skin. Facial muscles can be tightened up with exercise just like other sagging muscles. By exercising these muscles rather than letting them sag with age, you will increase their size and fill in the area under the skin. The wrinkles will look ironed out and your face will appear smoother.

You should do facial exercises every day to get the maximum results. You can do these anywhere – while driving, at the movies, while waiting for the bus, gardening. Relax your face and neck as much as you can by breathing deeply and feeling all the tension and energy slip out of you. The exercising movements should be based on pulling, pushing and stretching the not commonly used muscles. You must concentrate on a particular section and try to feel every muscle in that area move.

Skin at this age also needs added moisture, as it usually becomes drier over the years. Simple washing with soap and water is definitely not enough for people over 60. Just like a good day moisturizer, you should use a richer cream for your face and neck. An occasional deep cleanse is excellent, as is a mask. At this stage in your life, you must protect your skin with cream both during the day and during the night.


A mature woman does not need too much makeup, as it can look overdone. The emphasis should no longer be color, but subtle makeup and attention to skin care. Never think it’s too late to look sensational. Some of the most elegant women are in their 60’s and they still looking stunning.

Use softer colors and blend them so that a subtle effect is achieved. Your foundation cover should never be heavy, and should be translucent enough.

Choose a foundation that is closest to your natural coloring (not too dark) but if you have very “olive” skin, a pale foundation will look rather unnatural. Use a damp sea sponge to apply the foundation, as perfect coverage is your aim.

A good trick to take the depth out of wrinkles is to thinly paint a foundation two shades lighter into the lines. Follow that by applying your normal shade and voila, the wrinkles will be disguised!

The foundation should also be applied over the eye area to cover dark circles. Blotches, discolorations and broken veins can be camouflaged with the special products available.

Choose a warm pink shade of blush and use it very lightly along the cheekbone area. Eyes need definition with a soft grey outline above and under your lower lashes. The color must be soft and well-blended, and soft greens and grays are ideal, with a light coating of mascara.

Lipstick must not be too dark or heavy; paler, warm shades of pink, or coral are best.

Eyebrows, too, should be well-kept, to make a neat frame for your eyes. Always remember to be light-handed and subtle and you’ll look very elegant and pretty for yet another 60 years, or more.

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