Myths About Blind Dates – Getting Out There With No Worries

Have you ever tried to avoid the date your friend hooked you up with because you hadn’t known anything about your him or her. Can you stop for a second and try to explain to yourself – why? Obviously, the main reason is that you don’t know that person, but this is no more than an excuse. First of all, after you met someone new, you don’t immediately know everything about that person. But why is it such a problem to go on a blind date and why are people so afraid of them? Nobody can really tell why people feel so anxious about blind dates and why there are so many myths and prejudices regarding them. It is an interesting way to meet new people and expand your social circle. You can learn a lot about your date as you will see how the persons behaves with strangers but also how they present themselves. This first blind date can give you a lot of information if you just look and listen carefully.

I don’t know anything about that person

OK. Let’s try again. Nowadays, there are various social media platforms and you can find your blind date easily in order to see what your date looks like and maybe even to learn something about them. It’s just a date and you shouldn’t make such a big deal. Give it a go and maybe you will have a good time. Unless you can see the future, you shouldn’t simply avoid such opportunities for meeting new and maybe interesting people. If nothing else, it is a good way to socialize and have an interesting experience.

Why should I go on a blind date?

It’s very simple. If you are a full time employee with very little free time, it will be almost impossible to meet new people outside the office. Ask your married friends and you will find out that they only met because someone introduced them. And that is the simple fact. So, don’t just sit waiting for your perfect partner to show up from nowhere, as it probably won’t happen. Even if it happens, you will wait for a long time. Lose the prejudice and try to have fun.

How important is the first impression?

Generally speaking, first impressions are very important. However, it can also be a very wrong one and you may want to give it another try in order to see what the person is really like. If the first date didn’t go well and you almost fell asleep when desert came, you probably won’t have another one. The date, not the desert. On the other hand, maybe the person was tired or nervous, maybe it was a long day and maybe that person is also afraid or confused with this concept of dating. If you don’t have that much patience and you just want to run away from this, you shouldn’t just say – nevermore on a blind date. This is just one time and maybe next time you will find someone interesting.

How is it different from online dating sites?

First thing’s first. As it used to be a taboo, there is still some prejudice about these types of dating. The truth is, a lot of people use the services of online dating sites since they cannot just find enough free time. Once you see this with no prejudice, you will find out that blind dates are actually similar to online dating. In both cases, you don’t know your date. But, some dating sites offer you a certain amount of information about your date so you can have a picture of what can that person be like. It is not that rarely that you can find an interesting and reliable date that can leave a good impression on you. Maybe it looked like a despaired thing to do in the past, but nowadays, it is a completely normal way to find your partner.

At the end, there are so many interesting ways to meet people and socialize and you shouldn’t be afraid of them. Believe in yourself and make sure you know what you want from your date and what kind of qualities are the most important ones.

Pavle Dinic

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