Medicine Today: How Smart Is It to Put Your Life in Somebody’s Hands?

People don’t even stop to ask themselves whether they are competent for such a career. Instead, they rush towards their dreams and ambitions based on completely wrong things. Are people really becoming doctors because they are noble or is it because of the expectation of great wealth that may come along with this profession?

How it should be:


A medical carrier should be about different ways of helping people. Those who consider themselves competent for such work should be not only hard working, but also willing to make some difference and progress by being really concerned for the health problems of other people. In addition, doctors should be prepared for various tense situations in which they need to be composed and alert. It doesn’t matter if somebody chooses to be a dermatologist, surgeon, neurologist, pediatrician or psychiatrist, they get to carry a great deal of responsibility for all of their patients.  A bad diagnose followed by the use of inappropriate drugs and wrong treatment methods can be damaging to someone’s health, and sometimes the outcome can even be fatal. This is why it is highly recommendable to do a little research about the doctor treating you – no matter if you are treating something trivial or a really serious disease.

How it actually is:

Doctor Writing

Nowadays, ambitious people with wrong goals in their lives try to become doctors. If one has that inner wish to help others and use medical science to do something good for society, then a medical career may be the right kind of job for that person. Unfortunately, many people enroll medical school for completely different reasons. Careerists and those who want great material wealth are common among doctors. Plenty of opportunities after graduation is what lures many people into considering this to be their profession. If one is not a team worker, doesn’t like to work with people and listen to their problems, then medicine is not for that person. A future doctor should be prepared to completely dedicate himself/herself to this career.

Medical negligence is a crime!

Medical Crime

Medical negligence is not something unimportant, as it can scar you for the rest of your life. Sometimes these situations aren’t followed by any consequences, but what happens when they do? Putting your life in the hands of an unqualified doctor can be a dangerous thing so, be extra cautious. It is not a rare thing that a patient sues a doctor for no valid reason, but the case of malpractice is also not so rare when it comes to this “noble” profession.

Of course, lawsuits for medical negligence and malpractice are useless when the damage has already been done and one cannot regain his/hers health or, in extreme cases, even life. However, sitting still and permitting someone to ruin people’s lives isn’t quite right. In cases when you think you are damaged by a doctor because of his incompetence and inadvertence, and the only way to solve that problem is by hiring a medical negligence lawyer and do this according to law.

Private and public clinics

Private Clinic

People often ask themselves what is the best choice they can make? Both of these options have their pros and cons, so it is hard to decide where to get your treatment. Private clinics might have better equipment, but what about the medical staff? Are those people really that competent? On the other hand, public clinics can cause you a lot of trouble, especially if you don’t have medical insurance. In addition, the medical staff in public clinics can sometimes be rude and uninterested. The best way might be to gather different experiences and then decide which doctor is going to treat your medical problem. However, if your problem is more of an emergency, then I can say with certainty that you might be gambling your life here.

The more you are aware of what kind of people are surrounding you, the better life you will have. We cannot solve this global medical problem, but there are yet some individuals who are involved in this profession for a good reason. Stay aware of what can happen to you, this may save you all the trouble, and it can surely save your life.

Katarina Milovanovic

Katarina is a creative writer, article writer and content writer with the degree in English language, literature and culture at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Nis. She likes writing about beauty, travelling and computer games. Except for the interest in linguistics and writing, she likes art, especially acting. She is also a big fan of films, books, computer games and TV shows, and a week cannot pass without her watching another new film or a new episode of her favourite TV show. Her passion is travelling, because she thinks that getting to know another culture means expanding your mind and knowledge.

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