Make Your Driving a Wonderful Experience

If you are one of those people who are picky when it comes to buying a car, then you know all the troubles that come along with purchasing one. Some think that it is quite easy: you have the money and you will buy it. But is that it?

Think wisely

There are many factors that influence the quality of driving, besides design. Don’t rush into your decision when buying a car just because you liked the model, the color and the body of the car. You should do some research, before you decide to spend all your money on something that you will regret buying afterwards.

If you are buying your first car, here are some tips on what you should pay special attention to:

Automatic vs. manual

  • The clutch can give you big trouble. Gear shifting and sudden stops could make you lose your focus on other important things (like pedestrians and other cars on the road). This is actually solved easily – if you have these problems, opt for a car with an automatic shifter and your driving will be really easy. This is for all those who spend a lot of time in their cars and who are doomed to constant driving in the city during rush hours.
  • On the other hand, manually shifting gears gives you THE feeling. Some claim that they find pleasure in shifting gears and that this gives them a certain feeling that they are in power – mainly men. Plus, going automatic can be quite expensive, and if you don’t have the money to for it… Well, there is no other option I’m afraid.

shifting gears

Pick a car according to your personal needs

This is also something you need to think about when buying a car: do you need a car just to go to work or you need a bigger car because you have a big family? Will you drive it in some hilly, rural area or in the city? Everything counts, so choose according to your specific, personal needs.

Comfortable seats

Caution! You can harm your health if you spend too much time sitting in your car. But, some people have this in their job description, so there is no questioning it. At least you can buy a car with really comfortable seats. All this will certainly make your back pain and stiffness go away. Staying in one position for too long without moving can be the cause of various (sometimes very serious) spine related problems – so, stay extra careful. This is not something that you can mend easily.


No hurry

The most important thing when driving? The answer is simple: you need to be a responsible driver and you need to take it slow. Speeding up too much can cost you your life, and it is definitely not worth it – nothing is. Being late for fifteen minutes or even an hour is nothing compared to the price of your life!

Jovan Ilic

Jovan Ilic is very passionate about everything that is creative, innovative and new. He enjoys searching, discovering and writing about underground artists and their work. He has graduated from the Business-Law faculty with a bachelor degree in the field of Business English. Jovan has a broad experience working as a Content Writer, Blogger and Copy Editor. He has many articles published on his blog, where he features some of the most interesting and not so popular artists around the globe. From this passion comes his main frame of work, which is blogging. Blogging, however, isn’t his only occupation. Along with it, his points of interest also include SEO, SEM and SMM. One just can run away from those when working in this field.

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