Leasing Offices in Australia – How to Find the Right Office for Your Business

In the big Australian cities, business never sleeps. Regions like Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, Adelaide, and Auckland are filled with opportunities. If you’re lucky enough to live and work in one of these spots, you’ll know they are thriving hubs of entrepreneurial activity.

If you’re just starting out and need a new home for your business, you’ll be glad to know that there are plenty of offices here. In fact, choosing a location is often quite a challenge. Just make sure your leasing office in Australia is fully equipped and in a desirable neighbourhood.

This guide to picking a great office space will give you some helpful advice, but don’t forget to ask your employees what they think as well.

Invest in Collaboration

It is easy to underestimate the importance of shared space. However, it is a fantastic way to meet new people and form connections in a new market. Certainly, if you’re planning to launch in an unfamiliar area, opting for an office with collaborative space is a good idea.

You’ll find shared areas in virtual facilities and serviced office buildings too. Alternatively, you can commit to the collaborative lifestyle and try a coworking space. These environments are designed to be professional and efficient, but they welcome lively chatter and group work.

High Speed Voice/Data Cabling

Almost all companies need an office with high-speed voice and data cabling equipment. If it doesn’t come included in the lease, you’ll have to buy it later, and that can be expensive. Take advantage of a serviced deal, for example, and you get a lot more than networking tools.

Serviced facilities include the cost of heating and lighting in the monthly fee. Tenants also get a cleaner, world-class air conditioning, and a team of maintenance staff. In fact, there is very little to want for when you’re renting a serviced space. These offices are the full package.

Listen to Word of Mouth

One thing that many businesses forget to do is ask around. Whether you’re in Melbourne, Perth, or Adelaide, there are bound to be other companies that you can ask for advice. Do some research and find out which spots have a reputation for quality and reliability.

Then, when you think you’ve found a suitable space, visit it in person. Ask plenty of questions, and chat with other tenants in the facility. It could be your home for many years to come, so it’s worth taking some time and doing things right.

Protect Your Future

The term ‘future proofing’ refers to a way of doing business with one eye on the months and years ahead. For instance, a future-proofed office lease is one that provides a great deal of flexibility. You should be able to leave at any time without the fear of repercussions.

Unfortunately, this is very common with traditional leases. It is customary, certainly for private landlords, to lock tenants into contracts for upwards of three years or more. If they want to terminate, they must pay a hefty fee. Serviced vendors, however, are committing to providing open ended leasing agreements.

Why You Should Consider a Serviced Office in the City

There are plenty of leasing options available. If you don’t like the idea of being tied down, swap the rigid, private landlord for a managed facility. Some businesses fear that being handled by a major company, as opposed to an individual, leads to a loss of independence.

This couldn’t be further from the truth. While serviced offices won’t suit everybody, they are great for dynamic companies with big ambitions. You get access to world-class resources, but you’re never asked to make unreasonable sacrifices in return.

Vladimir Zivanovic

Vladimir Zivanovic is a Project Manager here at MyCity-Web and a part-time blogger with a Master’s degree in English language and literature from University of Belgrade. He is responsible for communication, including status reporting, project preparation, and, in general, making sure the project is delivered in budget, on schedule, and within scope. His main interests are computer technologies and he is a great gaming enthusiast, especially for World of Warcraft, which he has been playing since the beginning. When he is not playing games or reading epic fantasy, he is saving up to buy the newest mobile phone, as he is lost without one. He also loves surfing the internet, finding interesting facts, and using them when someone least expects it. Doing an exhaustive research is very important for Vlada, as everything needs to be supported by hard facts. He regularly posts on his Lifehack and LinkedIn profile.

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