Why You Should Invest in Transcription Services for Your Business

How many times have you attended a business meeting where no one was taking notes and you found yourself later in need of textual transcript of all the interactions that took place? If you cannot even count the number of times that happened, you should seriously consider investing in transcription services for your business.

Keeping detailed records of all the communications that take place within an organization is vital for a business. Transcriptions of various board meetings, client meetings, conferences, seminars, webinars, presentations and interviews can help you make sure that your business functions smoothly. Think of brainstorming sessions as well. There is usually not much time to jot down everything discussed and you cannot always remember every little detail regarding such business meetings.

That is why having transcriptions of all of your interactions can come in pretty handy. This is mainly important for avoiding any potential lawsuits or disputes, but it can also help you grow your business and improve it in the long run.

The Benefits of Using Transcription Services:

1. Accurate Records of All of Your Communications


A transcription service will make sure that all of the details discussed in your communications are accurately recorded. You will not need to try and remember everything, so you can clearly focus on your work, knowing that you will be provided with accurate textual transcripts of all your meetings, including all of your brainstorming ideas. This can greatly help you enhance your decision-making, as it will provide you with clarity, not to mention that anyone who is prevented from attending a meeting can be informed about everything that went down.

Also, if there are letters, reports and any other materials that you need to send to your clients, customers and other stakeholders, a transcription service will make sure those are completely accurate. Any potential error will be eliminated, since transcription services have specialized professionals who are experts in their field.

What about important phone calls or Skype calls? You can have those transcribed as well and recall any conversation you had with business partners, clients or job candidates.

2. Saving a Lot of Time

A transcription service can save you quite a lot of time that you can focus on your core dependencies and effectively work on improving your business. If you transcribe everything on your own, it would take you much more time than it would a professional transcriber who has the skills to do it a lot faster and, more importantly, without making a mistake.

What’s more, if you assign the task of transcription to some of your assistants who have a lot of other tasks on their plate, they may become overwhelmed and provide you with low-quality results and errors that you cannot afford to make.

3. Saving More Money

Using transcription services can save you a lot of money as well, since it is more affordable to hire professionals who can do their job quickly than to hire new employees as transcribers who would need training and, of course, salaries. There are a lot of different types of software that can help you transcribe your audio and video files in-house but, with transcription services, you will not need to invest in expensive software purchase and maintenance.

4. Improved Reputation and Credibility

There is really no room for grammar and spelling errors when it comes to providing written materials to your clients and customers. Professional transcribers know this and they are trained to provide you with transcripts void of any possible error.

Therefore, not only will the final product they provide you with be accurate, but it will also be impeccable. What’s more, it will be consistent, and consistency is key for building a strong brand. You cannot really achieve it if your communications are documented by a different person every time. Professional transcription will help you establish good reputation and you will always be credible in the eyes of your customers and clients. As a result, you will have much better chances of growing your business and increasing your revenue.

5. Increased Online Visibility


If you have a lot of videos for promoting the products or services you offer, why not transcribe those videos and turn them into articles for your business blog? You will greatly enrich your content and increase the effectiveness of your blog.

Transcription services will help you convert your every video into compelling blog posts that will help you improve your marketing campaigns. Your online visibility will be increased and, thus, your SEO will be improved, helping you drive more customers to your blog and increasing your website traffic. Before you know it, you will be counting a lot more quality leads that you can convert into customers and successfully generate more revenue.

6. Improved Product Development and Customer Retention

You can transcribe every single phone call that your customer support team makes, so that you can better understand your customers and know what to do in order to satisfy their needs. This is especially important for all those phone calls that they make for the sake of research and customer retention, as you can learn what it is that your customers like and don’t like about your products or services.

When you have accurate transcriptions of all those phone calls, you can thoroughly study them and use them for your product development. You can effectively improve your every marketing effort and, thus, improve your overall business for the long haul.

7. You Can Even Publish a Book!


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If you hold a lot of conferences where you give lengthy speeches and if journalists and bloggers interview you on a regular basis, a transcription service can help you document those and publish them on your website. What’s more, it can help you use them to publish your very own book and any other publication you want, which can undoubtedly improve your reputation and help you build a strong brand around your business.

If all of these benefits for investing in transcription services have helped you understand the impact they can have on your business and why they are so important, stop merely thinking about using them, but take action as soon as possible. Do your research and find the best transcription service provider that will offer you the best services for your needs and help you significantly improve your business. I highly recommend you try GoTranscript, as they have a team of professionally-trained experts who will not leave you disappointed. They are client-oriented and always strive for the best possible results, and you will certainly be impressed with their work.

Ana Vucic

Ana Vucic is a creative writer at MyCity-Web with a degree in English language and literature. When she is not reading the latest A Song of Ice and Fire book, she is actively looking for an inspiration for writing in her favourite music. She loves travelling and exploring new cultures, and wants to visit the Hobbiton movie set in New Zealand, where she hopes to meet Peter Jackson.

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