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How to Save Money: Family Friendly Tips and Tricks

Let’s face it, saving money is hard, and having to force our family, especially our children, to do the same is probably one of the hardest things in life. This is not something we either like or enjoy, but sometimes, it is a much needed step to ensure the future of everyone around us. But on the bright side, there are many things that can help you on your quest. Everything can be adjusted in order to save money – from the simplest watering of your lawn, to how efficiently you wash your dishes, and a dollar here and a dollar there will quickly add up and create a small stash that you will be able to use anyhow you want.

In order to ensure that your family wallet is lot leaking, and to offer you some of the quick and easy solutions, we have prepared a list of things that everyone should be aware of, and who knows, even if you don’t have financial troubles, after reading some of these, you might conclude that after a bit of saving up, you’ll be able to afford a new, bigger TV next year, or that vacation you’ve been dreaming about.

1.  Bulk Buying is Your Friend

Although we encounter words like sale and discount everywhere we turn, usually this is only a marketing trick that should get you inside a store where you’ll notice that nothing is truly cheap. When it comes to buying everyday basic groceries, one thing is tried-and-true, and that is that bulk buying in big stores will lead to a lot of money saved. It is also important to know where you’ll find the best deal, and it is best to search online for what you want to buy, and buy it in large quantities because that will ensure the maximum amount of saved money. On the other hand, after such a big visit, you’ll need to refrain from visiting another store and spending more money.

2.  Buy Clothes on Sale

While another good piece of advice is to simply buy pre-used clothes (like some actors do) that people are selling simply because it was a gift that was too small or big, some people are squirmish and do not like the idea of wearing someone else’s clothes. The next best thing is to buy clothes which are on sale. The important thing is that you should never buy something out of boredom, but only because you really need something, and even then, check all the big stores and see if there is something that will look good and not make your wallet bleed money. Big retailer chains offer sales on a regular basis, especially when seasons change, so for example, a winter jacket might be extremely expensive during October or November, but it costs only a fraction of its price during February when winter season is about to finish. This applies both for Summer clothing lines, and there are truly some incredible deals to be found. Some events, like Black Friday, are also good, and this period of time, right before Christmas, can be used to purchase things at a low price.

3.  Search it Online

Whenever you are passing through town, and you see something good in a store, make sure to instantly search it online, because the chances are great that you can find that exact thing, but much cheaper. This is especially important for electronic goods, as many online stores do not have their physical counterparts and the cost associated with keeping them up and running, meaning that their prices are not influenced by that, so they can give you a much better offer. Just look at Amazon, and while it is true that there are some things that you need to see in person before buying (like clothes, or jewelry), most electronic goods are the same wherever you buy them.

4.  Pay Your Bills and Loans Back on Time

How can spending money on bills help you save money? To be honest, you should worry about saving on utility bills and your credit debt before it happens, but once it does, it is already too late, and it is best to simply pay it on time. Even if you miss a single bill, or a credit payment, you will not only get a nasty surprise at the beginning of the next month, but some services will be turned off – like your internet access, telephone, or even electricity and water. If you are renting the apartment you live in, it is also best to pay it on time as you will avoid problems with your landlord, especially if you’ve signed a contract. It is better to approach your landlord and explain your current situation. With some luck, your landlord will be full of understanding and will be able to wait a month or two for the payment, but don’t count on it. Those things take priority, and there is rarely something you can do about it.

5.  Go Green and Save Money

There are so many things around your home where you can save money, and eventually, everything will count. Not only that, but going green is also your a responsibility towards your planet and your children, so finding some eco-friendly solutions will also help you feel better about yourself.

6.  Earn Extra Money Online

If you want, there are some additional ways of earning extra cash, and it will only require a bit of your free time. With the power of the internet, you will be able to do exactly what you want, and be compensated for it. You can sell your craft if you are an artistic person, and there are certainly a few ways which will allow you to make money from your talent. If you know a foreign language, you might want to consider giving Skype lessons, since long distance learning is the new age. If you want, you can start writing a blog, which can be extremely fun, and sometimes even quite lucrative. Who knows, your blog might even become the next big internet sensation, and then, all your financial problems will certainly be a thing of past.