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How To Prepare for a Hiking Trip Properly – Things you Need to Know

We all need a hobby and something to keep us physically fit. Hiking does both, and if you are thinking about taking it up, thumbs up for you. Not only will you benefit from the physical activity, but you will also gain a lot from being outdoors, breathing in the fresh air. Still, if you’ve never tackled hiking before, you might want to avoid rushing into it. It is the same with any kind of physical exercise, not to mention the one which includes finding your way in the wilderness.

There are a few things you should know before your set off on you first hiking adventure, and we are here to list them out for you. Make sure you follow them through since hiking shouldn’t be attempted if you have no experience with the great outdoors.

Talk to somebody with experience

There are some things books just can’t teach you, and this is why we recommend that you talk to somebody who has experience with the fickle outdoors. They can explain the basics to you and teach you how to start a fire safely, how to properly set up a tent and how to follow a map and a compass. You might even want to ask to tag along for their next journey so you can get the feel out of the situation. They should also suggest what kind of shoes you should wear since being comfortable while walking is crucial for hiking journeys.

Notify someone that you are leaving

Once you are done making a plan, call a trustworthy person and tell them what your plan is and when you are supposed to return. This way, if anything unanticipated happens, somebody will know that something went wrong and they will notify the proper authorities.

Do your research about the area

You need to know everything about the area you are going to be hiking through before you set off. These information should include possible dangerous wildlife, dangerous areas, places where you can get help, paths and so on. Asking a local guide for help is a smart way to go.

Bring proper clothing

You should check the weather before you pack and pick out clothing that is appropriate for the conditions. It is always a good idea to pack some extra clothes, since the weather forecast can be wrong. You don’t want to get caught by surprise and ruin the entire trip because you didn’t bring appropriate clothing items.

Pack your backpack properly

Novice hikers usually either pack too much stuff or too little. Packing too much will hurt your back and make you utterly miserable through the entire journey. Packing too little means that you probably forgot something. You should ask an experienced outdoorsman for advice on what to bring on a specific journey. This goes for rations and water as well. You should also learn how to carry your backpack properly since carrying it for long distances is wrong (yes, it’s possible to carry it wrong) and it can hurt your back.

Get physically prepared

Lower body strength is your biggest ally for hiking. If you have been physically inactive for years, you are probably not ready for a hiking trip. Go jogging for a while or run on a treadmill in order to get your legs in shape for a long walk. You don’t want to end up being sore in the middle of nowhere.

Hiking can be risky, so make sure you are properly prepared before you go. There is a chance that you will ruin hiking for yourself if you rush things too much because your first experience is going to leave you miserable if you overestimate yourself. Do things “by the book”, and you are going to end up loving hiking. This activity will improve your traveling options, since seeing other countries through hiking can change the way you perceive them and show you their core beauties. I wish you the best of luck with your journey!