How to Make the Most Out of Social SEO using Google+

SEO experts have been discussing the improvements and transformations of search engines for some time now, with a special focus on Google. There’s even a chart containing all the changes made on Google’s algorithm, regardless of their relevance. Ever since the appearance of Google in 1998, it has been providing the necessary information to everyone on the spot. Let’s face it… people use Google to search for Yahoo mail.

However, using Google as a search engine to find the information you need could be compared to drinking water from a fire hydrant. You get overwhelmed. This was especially true back when SEO was done by simply stuffing the pages with keywords. For instance, if you were looking for a teddy bear online, you would type in “teddy bear”, “stuffed animal toys”, “children toys”, “fluffy bear”, etc., and you would get what you need, amidst a great deal of websites which appeared there just because of the keywords and had no real relevance.

With the appearance of Google+, the search changed, as well as the SEO methods. SEO took a new form – the Social SEO. Google+ was defined as the “social layer” of Google. It compiled all of your searches, posts, shares from YouTube, Gmail contacts – all of it. This enabled a more targeted search and opened space for social SEO, where something is relevant if it is being liked and shared by your friends and acquaintances. You need to get familiarized with Google Plus and Social SEO if you are to harvest its benefits.

Use Google Plus to Your Advantage

As I said, the Google search engine is the most used search engine in the world. Having a Google+ account greatly improves your search. Have you ever noticed the “portrait” button on the top right of the screen when you are logged into your account? By clicking on it, your search list will be personalized. Your search is personalized by your interests, which are related to your previous searches, posts on Google+, even your Gmail contacts. If you want to succeed with Social SEO, you need to use this to your own advantage. How? Here’s how.

Author Your Content

A great thing about Google+ is the authorship option. Have you ever seen in the SERPs that some links have a picture of the author on the left side? This means that that content was made by that author, and by clicking on it, you will be able to see any other content made by that same author.

To gain authorship over your content in Google Plus, you need to do the following:

  • Create a Google Plus account if you do not already have one. You can use this link if you do not have a Google account at all or this one if you do.
  • Make sure you have a profile photo with a clear headshot.
  • Make sure a byline containing your name is present on each page on your website you want authorship over. (e.g., “By Mary Man”).
  • Make sure your byline name is the same as the name you use on your Google+ profile.
  • Verify that you have an email address (such as on the same domain as your content. You can do that here. If you do not have such an e-mail address, you can use the other verification method.

Having authored content in Google Search can and will increase the number of CTR (click-throughs) drastically.

Personalize Your Google+ Profile

It is a well known fact that people are drawn to pictures more than to basic text. A picture next to the text of a verified author brings more relevance to the content. So, make sure you use a good headshot, which will speak about you professionally.

Also, you need to personalize your cover photo, and add other photos as well, just make sure they show your persona in the best possible light. It is advised not to use pictures of your family or friends.

There was a discussion about the information privacy and customization of your profile on Google+. Some people don’t want to use their real names or pictures in order to keep their privacy. You cannot look at it that way. Being a verified author does not only bring privileges but also obligations related to your visitors. You need to communicate openly with them. Trust has to exist between both sides and that cannot work if you are hiding your identity.

Make Use of the Relevance of Google+ for Social SEO

Google+ is a great medium for search engine optimization. The simplest explanation for this is that Google+ is Google! Everything you and your contacts share via Google+ gains relevance and appears in search lists. This way, people who you shared your content with will be able to find it, not only on Google+, but in Google Search as well. Basically, everything that you share using G+ can end up in Google Search.

The rules of the game are the following:

  • Share your posts publicly – this way they will be included in Google Search;
  • Customize some posts (share with certain circles only) – these are relevant primarily for your target audiences and will appear in SERPs if the “Search Plus Your World” option is on;
  • Create large circles and be a part of large circles – being in other people’s circles will drastically increase your influence in their search results;
  • Connect to points of authority – being connected to people who have influence will bring more relevance to your shared content;
  • Create a significant and relevant network – having a relevant network which is built around people with influence and authority will greatly help you bring more relevance to your content.

Now, how to find people and create networks? Well there are places you can go, and tips and tools you can use. Today is your lucky day, because we will provide resources for you to turn to:

The New SEO

The game changed. Google+ vastly improved SEO and brought it to its new form. This should not be neglected so easily, especially because SEO permeates all aspects of online marketing. It is important to remember that we are not merely consumers of information but also the people who create and curate content. We have the power to influence the content as well.

Google Plus has gone a long way from a social network whose success was doubted, to a strong community of people who care, share, and use this network to send their message across.

Google Plus now has 359 million monthly active users (Global Web Index study), and its active users base increased by 33% from June 2012 to March 2013. Its success made it the second largest social network. (Source: JEFFBULLAS.COM – 21 Awesome Social Media Facts Figures And Statistics For 2013 )

Why miss out on this, when you can harvest the potential of a user base of 359 million fairly easy?

Vladimir Zivanovic

Vladimir Zivanovic is a Project Manager here at MyCity-Web and a part-time blogger with a Master’s degree in English language and literature from University of Belgrade. He is responsible for communication, including status reporting, project preparation, and, in general, making sure the project is delivered in budget, on schedule, and within scope. His main interests are computer technologies and he is a great gaming enthusiast, especially for World of Warcraft, which he has been playing since the beginning. When he is not playing games or reading epic fantasy, he is saving up to buy the newest mobile phone, as he is lost without one. He also loves surfing the internet, finding interesting facts, and using them when someone least expects it. Doing an exhaustive research is very important for Vlada, as everything needs to be supported by hard facts. He regularly posts on his Lifehack and LinkedIn profile.

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