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How to get Ready for a Big Job Interview

Interview between businessmen

Financial security is something that we all strive for, but it takes plenty of hard work to get to a point where we can live comfortably and have enough money left over to set aside for a few luxuries. Chances are that you will need to go through a few less than ideal jobs before you find the right career path for you, and that’s why it is important to make the most of every job interview and keep exploring different options. Job interviews can be a nerve wrecking experience, and people often get confused when it comes to presenting a good image and engaging in self-promotion, so here are a few simple tips to help you prepare for that big shot at success.

On the morning of the interview, climb out of your bed and do some dynamic stretches to warm up the joints and get the blood pumping. Follow up with a quick 30 minute bodyweight workout that will pump you up and make you feel strong. Some squats, push ups, sit-ups, mountain climbers and jumping jacks are more than enough to wake the body up and give you a nice hormone boost for the rest of the day. Stretch afterwards and take a relaxing shower – you are guaranteed to curb some of that anxiety and feel much more powerful, which will be shown in your body language.

You can’t be expected to perform well on an empty stomach, so a hearty breakfast and a pre interview snack are very important. You don’t want to look pale and sickly, and you definitely want to fuel your brain with quality nutrients, so that you’ll be able to think quick and come up with good answers later on. Some people don’t have much of an appetite when they are nervous, but you can make a quick protein shake or have a fruit smoothie with some nuts if eating is a problem for you.

No matter how qualified you are, if you allow your doubts and fears to get the best of you, you may very well lose to someone who isn’t as skilled, but is relaxed and confident. You want your mind to be laser focused on success, and your whole body beaming with confidence. For most people, a quick pep talk in front of the mirror and some strutting around the room with your chest puffed and your head held high work great for getting into the right mindset. Practice adopting powerful postures whether you are standing, sitting or walking, and go over some of the things that you plan to say in response to common interview questions. This can take 10-20 minutes or as much as an hour if you feel you need it, just make sure you are well-prepared.

Remember, you are basically trying to sell yourself to a potential employer. The most important part of the whole process is about leaving a good first impression, and it all starts with the way you look. Good personal hygiene is a must, but when it comes to your outfit, you’ll need to devote a bit more attention. Some workplaces are fairly casual and a very formal business suit and black leather shoes would be overkill, but they might still expect a level of professionalism.

Learn how to throw together a decent business casual outfit, and you will be covered in most cases, but be ready to suit up if you are applying for a high position. Black suit, black shoes, white shirt and navy blue tie are a combo that you can’t go wrong with if you are not that fashion-savvy.

Spend a few hours getting ready for that big job interview with these simple, yet highly effective tips, and you are guaranteed to feel a lot more calm and focused, and to at least leave a good impression on your potential employers. It takes a bit of luck as well, but being prepared significantly improves your chances of landing the job.