How to Get People Excited About Your Company

What is the measure for a successful business? You can say that the sales numbers speak for themselves, i.e. that you can clearly see if a company is doing well by the number of customers they have and the extent of their brand recognition. So, it is important not only to offer a high-quality service or a decent one with a price that is hard to beat, which caters to a fairly big demand, but you also have to leave a good impression and get people talking about you. Essentially, you want to get people excited about your company and what it has to offer, so that the word about you can spread like wildfire.

Create a solid logo, corporate identity and brand


Your name, your logo, your slogan and your customer service – these are the first things that people learn about your company, and it is how they will picture you from then on. You need to make sure that people will remember the name and the logo, and that it is something that conjures positive images. This can only be done if you develop a strong identity and foster positive customer interactions, which will further cement an image of a good and trustworthy company in their minds. Work on developing a logo, identity and brand that people will associate with all the right positive attributes. Quality, integrity, respect for customers, good prices, excellent customer service – these are some of the things that you want them to think of when they hear your company’s name.

Work on your website and online marketing

Web Design

Getting people to notice you will require a strong online presence, attained through serious online marketing efforts. A good website is essential – one that looks good, has simple and effective navigation, features plenty of information and a decent blog, is optimized for mobile devices and so on. When you develop a good website, you can do some SEO and focus on things like email marketing and social media marketing to further promote yourself. You can also consider Pay Per Click advertising to increase traffic and conversions if your budget allows it.

Throw a promotional event

Promo Event

Getting people’s attention is always best done with a bit of a show. Throw in free stuff into the mix and you have a good promotional event. Just make sure you plan everything down to the last detail carefully – e.g. finding a good venue or a good spot to set up your tent or stand and hiring the right people to interact with the crowd. The event has to have some meaning, a clear message you want to spread and a unique angle for marketing your company.

Engage people on the street and tell them about your company

Street promotion

Big promotional events are great, but you can’t afford to organize them all that often. Even so, you should still have people “working the streets”, i.e. someone to engage potential customers in person, distribute promotional materials and provide information about the brand and upcoming sales. A personal approach really does good work, and it can really help increase brand awareness among the local population.

Turn your employees into brand ambassadors


Sometimes the best way to get results is to turn to old school methods that have been proven to work. The good old word of mouth will get you tons of new customers, and it’s all about overcoming people’s defensive skepticism by having someone they trust recommend you to them. Your employees should feel like they are a part of a large team, a family even. They should feel confident in your products and services, use them themselves and engage in promoting the brand by telling people about it in person and sharing your posts on social media. You can offer discounts to your employees so that they will shop in-house and give them some incentive to talk positively about your company – treat your people well, and you will develop a sense of loyalty.

When focusing on marketing and promotion, it is important to remember that you are after some sustainable results that can be built upon in the future. Think long term and be patient, the work you put in will yield impressive results.

Nemanja Manojlovic

Nemanja is an enthusiastic researcher who likes to focus his attention on topics ranging from martial arts, weight loss, fitness and cooking, to interpersonal communication, motivation and productivity. He believes that training the body and the mind consistently is the secret to achieving success, and he enjoys sharing his knowledge and experience with others.

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