How to Get and Stay Motivated When Running Your Business

So, you have sat down in front of your computer, or at your desk and prepared yourself mentally to get to work and – a thought crosses your mind, why don’t I do this thing first? And that is where you lose all of your focus and, for the rest of the day, you never get back to the thing you were supposed to do. Whether that was sorting out your email inbox, organizing your desktop or whatever else you find more important at the time, all of these things are an enemy of your motivation and accomplishment and they can easily drag you away from doing your business.

This diversions redirect our attention from getting any of our important work done. Being able to complete your business tasks is a necessary asset for the success of your business. We all get distracted from our important tasks because it is much easier and less painful to do something not really business related. Being motivated takes a lot of effort, determination and focus, so yes, it is hard, especially when your own business is at stake.

If you learn how to manage all of those distractions and set up your working routine, that will be one of the most helpful things you can do for your business. So, establish your daily routine and keep those diversions to a minimum. Here are a couple of suggestions on how to deal with the distractions and how to get and stay motivated when running your business.

Set Your Working Time

Determine when you are most productive and set that time to be your prime time for working. That time shouldn’t be interrupted by anything else. If you are already working somewhere else and you are trying to start your own business during your free time, it would be preferable to take two hours entirely focused on work every evening of the week and one whole day every weekend. And, if you are not working, you should wake up early and get a full eight hours of work every day. Make your schedule and stick to it to maximize your productivity, which is the important part of getting motivated about running your business.

Make To-Do Lists

All the work you need to get done in one day can be divided into several tasks, and the best way of accomplishing those tasks will be if you can just simply cross them off a list when they are done. This will make you feel good, like you have achieved a lot and in the same time, it will help you create balance and track your progress. So, list all the tasks you need to complete in one week and during the week update, cross off and revise your tasks until you have completed them all.

Make Your Routine Visible

Put your routine on a piece of paper and place it somewhere where you will always see it, so that you are reminded throughout the day about what is your next step. This will be a helpful reminder in those days when you feel frustrated and nervous, to get you back on track and motivate you to run your business.

Organize Your Time

Divide your working time into blocks, like this – on Mondays and Wednesdays, you are finding new partners and making new connections and on Tuesdays and Thursdays, you are writing up business plans and filling up some paperwork. That will help you divide your tasks and you will not lose your focus and motivation because of something that will make you feel edgy and bored.

Running your own business is maybe the ultimate dream many people have, but that can be stressful and make you lose your focus and motivation, especially when things might get a little tough in your business. Because you are your own boss, there is no one to stand over your head and make you work, so I hope that these suggestions will help you stay on top of everything and be motivated to run a successful business.

Isidora Drakulovic

Isidora is a creative writer and blogger with a degree from USEE University, where she studied English language and literature. She likes to write about various topics and doesn’t like to limit herself. Apart from being a writer Isidora is also a car enthusiast, loves music and fashion and enjoys trying out new things in life. When she is not out meeting new people, Isidora is at her home trying out new recipes she found online, the relationship she has with chocolate some people may find weird, but Isidora doesn’t really care about it.

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