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How to Boost Your Confidence – a Guide for Men

We are all aware how public figures who look extremely confident have a wide base of so called followers who adore them. With so many people chanting their names, their confidence is able to bloom so well. After all, fans are powerful ego fertilizers. However, if you are an average person without your own fan base, appearing confident is not that simple. Sure, maybe you had your five minutes of minor glory in high school, or while you were in college, but sooner or later, you end up with one conclusion – in order to be respected, you need to work on yourself, on the way you look and how you behave. Here are a couple of things you can do for the sake of feeling better about yourself, and once you do feel good about yourself, people will notice a positive vibe.

Some Necessary Items

It may sound shallow, but nowadays, you will be perceived as a confident and, let’s say, well defined individual if you have your particular style, and if you stick to it. I am not referring to a high school dress code when you have to choose whether you will be a sports guy, a vampire or werewolf teen, a rebel with a skateboard etc. Now, even as a young man, you can have your own distinctive style depending on type of shoes you wear, jewellery, ties, watches, and bags. Regardless whether you dress formally or casually, these items can always define your taste. So select something you like, something that is well coordinated with other accessories, and you will have your own style.

Dress Code

When it comes to dress codes, you cannot simply pick one combination, but you must be prepared for various occasions. Allow me to elaborate on what was implied here through the following examples:

Casual and stylish – Basically, all you need to do is put on some jeans and a comfortable shirt, and be careful when matching colours. Try to find dark jeans, and you can pair them with a sweater, or a T-shirt. Black and white can always go together, as well as colour grey.

Business outfit – It is an outfit you can wear at your workplace or at some sort of celebration/party. It is not implied here that this has to be a tuxedo or a formal suit and tie. Nice patterned shirts along with a darker jacket is also a good option. Make sure you avoid jeans for this combination, but Corduroy pants or slacks are a viable option on the other hand. For the final touch, use a leather messenger bag.

Executive formal outfit – It is a general truth that any man will look good in a well-tailored black suit, thus if anything will boost your confidence it is this outfit. Carry a stylish briefcase when wearing this combination, and there you have it.

Also, find a haircut compatible with your face and head, and go an extra mile to groom your beard. You may not be a celebrity, but you can try to look like one.

Work on Your Physique

Finally, nothing will make you more proud than having a stout figure with broad shoulders. Unfortunately, muscles and abs won’t come out of nowhere, it is a whole process of forming healthy habits that include a proper work out, diet and sleeping cycle. If you are someone who is a new gym goer, it is going to be hard to incorporate this regime into your lifestyle. But after mustering enough willpower to keep going for a month or two, you will start to like it. Do proper research and find the right training routine, and after only 3 months, you are bound to receive some sort of positive feedback which will motivate you to push further. You must know that it is an ongoing project, and that everybody was at some point a newbie, so do not allow yourself to get discouraged just because the gym is filled with people who have big muscles. If you are insecure, you can start working out at home until you reach a certain form, and then purchase a gym membership card.