Home Design Advice – What to Do in the Bathroom?

Designing one’s home is one of the best “adventures” that every average individual has to go through. It is great fun, if nothing else. Picking, deciding, shopping around – all those things are fun. Hell, you are designing your home, the place where you will spend most of your time. Why not make it as best as you can? Why not put a little bit more effort in it, so that once it is done, it is done, and you can continue to live the rest of your days, only improving your interior (and exterior) even more.

In this piece of text, I will focus on a room that gets pretty neglected when people design their homes. I’m talking about the bathroom, as you might have guessed when you have read the title. People tend to forget about this room since, well, they don’t know that they can do anything about it. They just learn to be satisfied with the “stock” design of the bathroom – how it was the moment you got the place. But, these designs are pretty generic, boring and dull. The bathroom is the first room you go to every morning, right? You go to brush your teeth, visit the toilet, take a bath, or whatever. Wouldn’t it be great if you could re-design this room, so that you can make every morning a little bit more beautiful? Can you do this?

Of Course You Can!

bathroom mirrors

I have come across modular bathrooms, or prefabricated bathrooms. This is an excellent option and here is why. When you want to re-design your bathroom in a traditional manner, this kind of process would take a lot of time. With modular bathrooms, the job is much, much easier. This type of bathroom is constructed in a factory. The elements are brought to your home address, and you can have the bathroom assembled by a team of experts. Keep in mind though that the bathroom comes with an instructions manual, so you can assemble the bathroom by yourself. It is something like solving a puzzle – but, here you DO have instructions. It is not that hard and it can be a whole lot of fun.

What is even more amazing about this is the fact that these kinds of bathrooms come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. You can imagine that if someone wanted to create a modular bathroom that he or she would have to think about different tastes that different people have. Also, apart from their design (and they come in many, many different designs – there are so many that the chance for you to find the one that suits you most is pretty high), they come in various sizes, so you will be able to fit the entire construction in your bathroom. Furthermore, with some modular bathroom manufacturers, you can customize your design, which is very, very interesting.

Of course, if you are not satisfied with modular bathroom designs, and you want to go for something else, please do. But I assure you, with a modular bathroom, you will have to do a lot less work and therefore, the job will be done faster and with greater efficiency. If you install your bathroom traditionally, the chance that something goes bad after some time (related to water, electrical installations, and similar things) is pretty high. With a modular one, the chances for these malfunctions is minimal – close to zero, and this is probably the best feature that prefabricated bathrooms bring to the table. All in all, you can deduce that opting for this kind of purchase will do you good in many ways.

Let’s Finish



A lot of people get confused and they think that modular bathrooms are those little portable bathrooms that you can see on concerts, or construction sites. These are called “toi-tois”. Modular bathrooms are actually very similar to built-in bathrooms, maybe even better. If you have gone through this piece of text, then you can conclude that going for such a bathroom is a good move. Feel free to explore the net and see where the nearest manufacturer and distributer that you can contact are and, well, start picking. It is as simple as that.

Pavle Dinic

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